Monday, November 24, 2008

A Little Thanksgiving Humor


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thank You Lord !!

"HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM MY HOME TO YOURS!!" Has been a very busy week in the Threet household, I had two new clients call for help, had
a luncheon to go to, a letter to the Editor, study for Support Group meeting, plus my chores at home. My husband is able to come home every night now, after 20 years driving in and out of Texas and being gone most of the time. I always have said that is what enabled us to have a good
marriage, two people who came together after a lifetime of hurt from and to others. I THANK GOD for a GOOD man who ia a hard worker and supports me in my ministry, not only financially but also emotionally.
As we enter this week of the day set aside by our forefathers to celebrate the time of harvest
I believe we have lost the true meaning of this holiday. To truly thank God our Father for his
many blessings. I have thought of a few things for which I am truly thankful.
Norma's Top Ten of Thanksgiving Blessings For 2008
1. I Thank God for a relationship with Jesus, how this has totally changed my life.
2. My husband, Bobby, as I said in the preceding paragraph.
3. My children, who thank God at the present time are all healthy and self supporting.
4. My Grandchildren who are growing up way too fast for this Grandma.
5. To live in America where I am FREE to worship JESUS.
6. A church family of loving people serving the Lord, who are but a phone call away, if needed.
7. Pastors who not only preach the WORD, but live by example of what they minister.
8. The priviledge God has given me to lead abused women from the Victim mentality to that of
a Survivor living a full life for Him.
9. To have both parents alive and in fair health is a blessing at my age.
10. Thank God we are out of debt, He showed me several years ago, there would be lean years
ahead, we listened and today we are debt free.
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving ?? Even if you are not in the place spiritually, mentality,and physically you desire to be, you need only
SEEK, ASK, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE, He has an abundance of ALL you need !!
May you be truly Thankful for what you have and always be moving higher in Him.
Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus" !!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Getting To Know More About Me !!

This posting will be different from the others, I wanted to share some personal things that I like to do, outside of my ministry. Let you see what I do when I am not being a Goodlistener and Sharing Jesus. What I do in the natural to relax, to use the gifts and talents that God has given me,
that not only bring pleasure to my life but to those around me. I believe it is important to utilize every gift and talent God gives us. It has only been in the last 10 years I have had time to give to my creative side,
this is one of the great advantages to growing older, children grown,
no high stress job to go to, no debt hanging over me, I always say,
"This is the best time on my life and I would not Go Back, even if Icould Been there, did not always do as I should have. So no looking back, only going forward with Jesus, living life to the fullest for Him !!
I have just finished reading a Christian Fiction Book, "The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young.
It is unlike any Christian novel I have read and I have read many as I do not usually read secular books. Winter will soon be here, if you are a reader and do not have a good book, I recommend you get this book from your library or buy it at Walmart as I did. It will give you
a new perspective of God's unconditional love for mankind, those who choose to follow Him and those who don't. It was an eye opener for me. I was still hanging onto some of my "Religion".
I do hate that word, especially since I learned what true Relationship with Jesus is.
My next book is, "23 Minutes in Hell" by Bill Wiese, "One man's story about what he saw, heard,
and felt in that place of torment" to quote the book cover. Both of these books have been on the New York Times best seller list, this is rare for Christian Fiction.
If you are a reader and have some suggestions for winter time reading, let me know.
I always have more time to read in the winter as I do not have to mow my LARGE yard.
I also do stamped cross stitch and embroidery, I am now doing coffee table runners for my adult grandchildren for Christmas. For High School graduation I gave each of them a Wall Hanging.
I hope to be able to finish one for each of the 15 and still counting, I do 2 a year and am working on # 12 now. Praying they do not have many more babies. I hope they enjoy my hand work as much as I enjoy the pieces I have from my Great Grandma, Grandma, and my Mom.
My Mom does Crochet and I have many dollies, rugs, dish clothes, afghans made by her.
Hand work of most any kind is becoming a lost art as most everything is done by machines run by computers. My work may have a crooked or mismatched stitch, but as my daughter says they are made with love. The last 2 winters I also made some knotted comforters, these I did on my 1941 White sewing machine. They will not take a prize at the county fair, but they are warm
and pretty and I am proud to carry on the family traditions of my Mom and Grandma.
I also love to cook and bake, though I do not bake as much now, I tend to eat too much, sugar
is my weakness. So if it not in the kitchen, well you get the idea !!
I have many houseplants and also flower beds around my house. I often wonder WHY I made myself so much work ? What was not so hard 10 years age, now seems to be a chore, this year we did cut back by not planting a garden, I did miss the fresh veggies and I have no home canned goodies for winter.
So I guess you could say I am one of the last of the true homemakers. You might say a dying breed. My friends are always asking me, "Where do you find the time to do it all?".
We all have the same 24 hours a day, it is what we do with it that makes the difference.
I often think, maybe because I give so much of my time to Sharing Jesus with others, God multiples my time and enables me to have time for those things I enjoy.
After all He did say, "Give and it shall be given, pressed down shaken together and running over." Well there you have it, a peek into the life of a very busy lady, who at one time could not or would not carry on a conversation out side of her job.
Who by God's Mercy and Grace, leads women from a victim mentality to that of a survivor, teaching them WHO He is and WHOSE they are.
Speaking to Women's Groups and Ministering in Churches to the saving Power of Jesus Christ, how He took the broken pieces of my life and put me back together for His Honor and Glory.
Till next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jesus said, "Do Not Worry"

Today has been a long day of phone calls. A couple of times I was on the phone, call waiting was beeping and the call phone was ringing. This was one of those days when I want to cry out,"Lord, why did you call me to be a goodlistener ?? During the day God gave me a message, seems so many are WORRIED !! Losing jobs, too many bills, not enough money to go round, Obama is President, what will happen ??
Jesus admonished us to not worry, he even said it was a sin. At one time in my life worry consumed me, I would become worried if I was not worrying about something.
When we worry God can not help us, as worry is a condition of the mind and does not mix with faith. How did I condition myself to not worry ? It was a time of learning to trust Him.
One day as I was reading Rom. 12 v 2, Paul talks about renewing our mind to the Word and not being conformed to this world. I had a Holy Ghost moment and saw clearly that as long as I was always worried my mind could not become renewed to His Word.
I have heard it said many times 90% of worry never happens and the 10% that does we could not stop or change the situation. It is our attitude and how we react that will weaken or strengthen us. I want to share a couple of things that I have used that have helped me to overcome worry.
1. Take worry apart, do not let your thoughts run away.
Find a scripture for the worrisome thought, memorize it and when you worry attack it with the verse, use it consistently, you will begin to see the thought fade away and come less often. This becomes a lifestyle and over time you will become victorious in this area.
2. There is no worry/problem/situation/trial bigger than God and His Word unless you allow it to be so. The Word is the TRUTH and the TRUTH sets us FREE !!

3. Rise above the worry by using Bible principles, apply Scripture to your problems. Worry will lose its power over you. If you dwell on the problem too long you will become confused.

4. This is a process, as you make it a lifestyle it becomes easier to apply, you will begin to see your life take a turn, where you were once full of fear and worry you will now be able to find a place in the Word to fit your problem, pray and know the He is able to see you through no matter what it looks like in the natural. God works in the Supernatural !!

My favorite Scriptire is John 15, Jesus said,"Without Me You can do nothing,". It took me years of worry to realize how true these Words are. My prayer is you will learn to attack worry with the truth of the Word.

Till next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus", He has the answers

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Must Continue To Pray

The election is over and even though my choice did not win, I will continue to pray for our Nation. That America will remain strong for family values and moral issues. We must continue to stand for the rights of the unborn and the issue of marriage between one man and one woman.
I still believe that most of Americans believe in this and we have allowed other issues to be
in the forefront : ecomomy, war, immigration, and global warming.
Can we expect God to bless America when we are killing the unborn by the thousands and allowing our children to be taught that it is "OK" to have two Mommy's or two Daddy's. We must continue to pray, II Chronicles 7 v14 over our land so that we can ask: "GOD BLESS AMERICA !!! "

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Grandma !!

This has been a great day for me as my Grandson Jonathan is home on leave and is spending the day with me. It is hard for me to look at him all grown up without remembering that little baby who came into this world too early and was a fighter from the beginning. He has grown into a fine young man that I am proud to call Grandson. Don't misunderstand, I am proud of all of my G-Kids, but for today Jonathan has that special place in my heart and thoughts. When you have so many G-kids, (# 16 on the way), a day with one alone is special. God has blessed us with a large blended family, Bobby and I each have 2 boys and 2 girls, and then came our grandchildren. Life is always full of surprises when you have a large family. I know today's posting is a little different, just had to share my joy with you.