Friday, December 31, 2010

Out With The Old -- In With The New !

Here we are ready to close out another year, 2010 has passed in a blur. I guess what Grandma said is so very true, the older you get the faster it goes. Some thoughts as we leave 2010 and start 2011. Our lives are not set in stone, lives like flowers continue to unfold. We have options and we have choices along the way. I believe as we approach a new year we often tend to look back, not just over the past year, but even further back into our lives. Perhaps thinking about wrong choices and thinking what IF , or reflecting on times that were good the right choices that were made. Either way we can not go back ! I believe for most of us we do not want to go back, certainly we have been influenced by our past, things that happened to us in childhood that we had no control over. Still we do have the ability to alter our present and our future. Life moves fast and if we are not careful we get left behind ! The most important part of life here is to prepare for life after. To know who God is and who we are in Him is the most important choice we will ever make. IF you make but one resolution for this New Year, make that choice to serve Him. Allow God to get involved in your life. hopefully you have already made that choice and He is not only your Savior, but also your Lord. Life is so much better with Jesus as your pilot, when God participates in your life you can soar above the problems and storms that life brings your way. Believe me they will come to all of us at one time or another. How we respond will depend on what is in our heart, the love of God, or the hate that the world has to offer. Out with the old and in with the new can have a two fold meaning for you, if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. Out with the old man of flesh and in with the new spiritual rebirth ! You will never be the same when you meet Jesus face to face, He comes alive in your inner most being and changes you from the inside out. Life is in the living, the living is in Jesus !! Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Special Day

This poem was written by my Pastor, Lloyd Lane. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ! A Special Day

We celebrate it on the twenty-fifth of December,

How often do we get too busy to remember?

The reason that we celebrate was announced very long ago,

A baby to be born of a virgin, a man she did not know.

How could this be, Mary proclaimed, how can this happen to me?

The angel said, by the Holy Spirit, believe and you will see!

Mary said let it be according to Your Word,

Hundreds of years have passed and the story is still being heard.

A baby was born in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes they say,

They called His Name Jesus, meaning the Truth, the Light, the Way.

He lived a life like most men would, except He knew no sin,

Though only guilty of love and caring, He faced a cruel end.

He was placed on a cross until death and laid in a borrowed tomb,

But the end of this story is a happy one, it doesn't end with gloom.

He rose again on the third day, God rolled away the stone,

Jesus returned to the Father, He went back to His Home.

So it tis the season to be jolly when you understand the reason,

We have so much to be thankful for in this time called Christmas Season.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas !!

Another Christmas Season, I asked Bobby the other day, "Where has this year gone ?" Seems like only a short time since we were celebrating this very special time of the year. Need I remind you, WHY we set aside December 25th each year ? Some might say, the parties, others the gifts, children would most like;y squeal with delight, thinking of Santa and the long list of their, "Wants". Today more than ever before many are trying to take Christ out of the Season. We no longer see Merry Christmas in store ads, even in our little town of Buffalo I received an ad that said, "Happy Holidays". I find this so sad that those who profit so much financially from this time of year want to remove the very reason we have the season. Christmas trees and decorations must be removed because they offend a few people, SO WHAT ? I am offended when they are removed ! You ask what is the answer, I believe we as Christians must stand up, speak out, let the people who are taking Christ out of Christmas know we will no longer buy from the stores that do not celebrate the REAL Christmas. This is America, we have celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ for over 200 years. Why must we give in to a few who want to change "Merry Christmas" to "Happy Holidays". I am not offended by others who have a different belief, I do not ask them to change their way of celebrating, why must they try to destroy what Christmas has been to the Christian community for many, many, many, years. So, as for me and my house we are saying ,"MERRY CHRISTMAS" in response to those who say ever so lightly, Happy Holidays. Christmas for me will ALWAYS be celebrating the birth of MY Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thanking God the Father for the greatest Gift ever given to mankind, a way to have our sins forgiven and be assured of eternal life with Him, God The Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I pray you will not be one to remove Christ from Christmas, by X ing Him out or saying Happy Holidays. From The Threet Home To Yours, Merry Christmas !! Until next time, "Keep Yours Eyes On Jesus" !!

Monday, November 22, 2010

I Am Thankful For ----

Today is a better day and I am thankful for being born in America, where I have the freedom to express my thoughts, even when they are not always what everyone wants to hear. I am thankful for a husband who is a hard worker and takes good care of me. There was a time in my life when I did not have a husband who wanted to work and care for me. I thankful for a large family who are loving and caring. Thankful to have both parents alive and well, a blessing especially at my age. Thankful for a wonderful Church Family and Pastors who not only preach and teach the Word, but also live by example. Most of all I thank God that He gave me Jesus, a friend that is always there, never too busy to listen to me and answer my questions when I am confused. He always brings light into the darkest of situations and NO problem is too big for Him to solve. He will never leave me helpless and alone, He only asks for me to seek Him with my whole heart, trust in Him and look not to my worldly understanding. This is called,"Living by Faith and Faith is what pleases Him. So this Thanksgiving when I stop to reflect on what the day is all about," Being Thankful". I truly have much to be thankful for. What about you ? Make a list for yourself, you will find that life looks much better when you are Thankful . Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving -- Are we Really Thankful ?

At times life seems to be spinning out of control, passing by soooo fast. Returned from vacation back into the groove. 23 days later my daughter I were on our way back to Ohio for my brother-in laws Memorial Service. Thank God he made a profession of faith last year and was ready Spiritually to meet God. This next week we celebrate the day that has been set aside for Thanksgiving. The pilgrims were thankful for a safe voyage to an unknown land. They were thankful for provision and shelter, it was a far cry from what we expect as provision and shelter today. There were no food stamps or welfare programs to assist those in need. They were entirely dependent on their own initiative to survive in the harshest of conditions. Today we have so many who think they are deprived of daily living essentials, they think that government should supply what they have need of. They have taken God out of the equation and tried to put Government in His place. The Government fails in the attempt to , "make life better" , only to have made generations of families look to, "Uncle Sam", not God. Those in power have and continue to tell us we are not smart enough to think for ourselves, so they continue to make ridiculous rules and laws to control the population. We are seeing America a prosperous, wealthy nation be reduced to a shadow of what it once was. We need to put God back into our everyday life in America. To call on Him daily and not just when we have a crisis and feel helpless. I ask you today are you guilty of putting God on the sideline of your life ? Does He play a prominent role in your plans for each and everyday ? If you are suddenly called out of your physical body, where will your spirit go ? Have you made arrangements as my brother-in-law did, or are you lost without a Savior ? You may be saying, I have plenty of time, I will do that next week, next year ! We are not guaranteed tomorrow ! Jim Greenwood went to bed on Friday night, he did not wake up to this life on Saturday morning. Have you made your arrangements for eternity ? I am VERY THANKFUL that on July 25,1971 I met Jesus at an altar, he took me in just as I was. That day I began a process that continues today, a race that I intend to finish, pressing into ALL He has done for me, a better life here and now in this life and an eternity with Him. Today and every day I thank God HE gave All he had that I might have LIFE in Him !! Seek Him, Ask Him, Believe Him, You too can have ALL He has for yourself !! Lord, I thank you for the gift of eternal life I have received by faith, not from anything I have done, but from what Jesus did on the cross. Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To God Be The Glory

I am back from a 6 week vacation that also allowed me to minister the Word and speak at a Support Group in Ohio. Sad to say there is Domestic Violence everywhere. I am thankful for the opportunity to minister the Word wherever I go. God is good. October is Domestic Violence awareness Month and I will be posting some old and new articles in the next few days. Our program in Leon County is very unique and there are few if any like it. We will be opening our emergency shelter later this month. We truly serve as AWESOME God. Still am amazed how God has worked to make this program a success. Leon County has SO many giving people, the shelter is a dream come true, Tanya and I never thought 10 years ago we would be where we are today. We are truly grateful to everyone who has had a part in making this dream come true. "To God Be The Glory -- Great Things He Has Done ". Watch for the articles in the coming days, till next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus"

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Little Rest and Relaxation

I am in my birth state of Ohio for a few weeks, I look forward to coming every year as most of my family lives here. It is a time of visiting, shopping, and eating for me. This year there will be less eating as I have lost 15 lbs and want to reach my goal of 25. Typing this as I finish a chocolate chip cookie. I have continued my mile walk most everyday since I arrived, I do feel much better, blood pressure is down to a manageable place with a very small dosage of medicine, which I hope to discontinue after my next check-up. I am trying to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and less red meat. I am eating less junk food and sweets, sugar is my downfall. Going through this these past 3 months has shown, me that I had not only become lax in the natural, but also in the spirit. I had become lazy in some spiritual areas, I am working at correcting this as I become healthier in the natural it is also spilling over to my spirit. this year I have the opportunity to speak at a Wednesday evening service and a Ladies Luncheon on a Saturday. It is a priviledge and an honor to minister away from home. I am very excited, on Wednesday evening September 1, I will be ministering on, Is fear Controlling You ? I see so many worried, anxious, and fearful Christians today. This is not God's plan for our life, He wants us to be victorious, over comers, full of faith adding souls to the Kingdom. what about you ?? Are you fearful from listening to the Doom and Gloom of the worldly news reports ?? Or are you keeping your eyes on Jesus, placing your confidence and trust in him to bring you through ?? This is not the time for wimpy, scared, unproductive Christians, He said He would spew these ones out of His mouth. Examine yourself in light of His Word ? Where do you find yourself ? are you hiding out like Gideon or are you a Joshua, ready to take possession of ALL God has for you. Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Worlds Economy Versus God's Economy !!

The force behind my supply is greater than the force behind my lack !! Today all we hear is how bad the economy is, how it is going to get worse, before it gets better. As a born again believer I must place my trust in God, if I continue to tithe and offer as He has instructed me to do I will have no lack. Sowing and reaping are principles God set up in His Word from the very beginning. This is a truth that I learned as a young Christian, I can not afford not to tithe and offer. God in turn will bless me beyond measure. I do not give to get, but I do get to give. He has asked me to give into the storehouse where I get my spiritual food and He will open the windows of heaven that I will have no lack. he said to try and prove Him. (Malachi Chapter 3 v8-12) If you are not familiar with this passage of Scripture look it up and read and meditate on it. The world will tell you hang on to your money, stop giving, you will lose your home, car, go without food, medicine. I learned many years ago that if one will not tithe from a hundred dollars, he will not tithe from a thousand dollars. During times like we have faced the last couple of years I hear people say they have had to cut back on their tithes and offerings. This limits God as to how much He can bless. Through the years I have never ceased to be amazed as to how God chooses to bless me, who He uses to bless me, and He is never late. He is always on time, I have an understanding of His principle of sowing and reaping, not only with my money, but my time, talents, and the natural gifts He has given me. If you are not a tither I encourage you to give it a try, test God, He will not fail you. Give from a willing spirit and a cheerful heart, sit back and watch God move on your behalf. He is a faithful God, never trying to take from you,but always looking of ways to give to you. Do not know why I am writing on this topic, someone reading this must need to have a better understanding if this principle. many Pastors no longer teach the tithe, these Shepherds are cheating their sheep from the abundance that God has stored for His children. I am going to be on vacation for the next 4-5 weeks. May not post, then again you never know when the Holy Spirit will nudge me as He did tonight. Keep me in your prayers as I travel to Ohio. I have been asked to minister at a Ladies Breakfast and a Wednesday night service while I am there. Praying God will continue to open doors for me to tell others of the greatest gift ever given to man, Jesus Christ. Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bondage Or Free ?? -- Your Choice !!

Have been trying to post here for over a week, life keeps interrupting me. will get this done before our trip to the hospital for my husbands surgery in the morning. Keep us in your Prayers. Children of Israel were in the bondage of slavery for many years in Egypt. Their daily needs were met in exchange for hard labor of building for the Pharaoh. They saw no way out and they took on a victim mentality. God sent Moses to rescue them from the bondage of slavery, He brought them out with the intention of bringing them into something much better. The Bible says, " A Land of Milk and Honey". They would no longer be in bondage, they would be free. On their journey to this land once again all their daily needs were met, this time by God in exchange for trusting Him. When they saw the Army of Pharaoh chasing them, they were full of fear and thought to surrender. They grew tired of the diet of manna that God provided for them and began to murmur and complain, again to the point of thinking maybe they should turn back to Egypt ! Their physical state was in freedom, in their mind and emotions they were still in bondage, a victim mentality. They transferred their dissatisfaction from the Pharaoh to God. Their seeing giants in the land that God had already given them cost them of entering into the Promised Land that God had for them. They wandered in The Wilderness for 40 years, with only Joshua and Caleb entering in. We are not much different today, Some of us have been victims not by choice, over the years we take on the mental and emotional status of a victim . God intervenes when we call on Him, He rescues us from our bondage of sin and sets us free. He wants to move us into something better, leave behind the sin of the past life. We like this new freedom until He begins to ask for something in return, our life is no longer out own to do as we please, it has been bought and paid for with the precious blood of Jesus. There are some giants in this new life, some real, some in our imagination, too often we retreat back into the very things that God brought us out of. Why ?? fear of the unknown, not trusting that God does have only the best for us, too little faith to believe we can become survive in this new life.There must be a transfer in our mind to move out and stay out of the whatever it was that held us captive to allow God to be in control. To begin to see ourselves as God sees us, not as grasshoppers being trampled beneath the feet of the giants, but as Soldiers in a mighty Army that God has called and put together. To believe that God has a plan and a future for us of good and not of evil, (Jeremiah 29v11). This is the same promise God has for us today. Do not allow yourself to wander in the Wilderness for 10,20, 30 years, always questioning why, not believing that He has a Promised Land for you HERE AND NOW !! Begin to see yourself as God sees you !! Until next time, " Keep Your Eyes On Jesus" !

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let FREEDOM Ring Today As In 1776

The older I get the faster life seems to be flying by. Have not posted for almost a month, I think about an idea and then the phone rings or I get distracted. Today is the 4th of July, a day set aside to be thankful for our freedom, at least that is what it used to mean. Today I am not so sure. Everyday I hear of another "great" idea from our Government designed to take away our freedom and liberty that our forefathers fought and gave their lives for. The men and women we have elected to defend our rights seem to be trying to take them away, piece by piece, bill by bill. I fear soon the America I love will no longer be. I received the following email about what happened to those men who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. I want to share it with you.Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence ?
  • Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died.
  • Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured.
  • Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.
  • They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.
  • What kind of men were they?
  • Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated,but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.
  • Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy.He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.
  • Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.
  • Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.
  • At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.
  • Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.
  • John Hart was driven from his wife's bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste.For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished.
Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn't. So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots. It's not much too ask for the price they paid. Remember: Freedom is never free! It's time we get the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball.
What would the above mentioned men think of the way our Government is trampling on the Freedom and Liberty they gave their lives for ?? We continually say, "God Bless America" ! We should be saying, "America Bless God" ! Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes on Jesus !!"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Blessed Week Of Giving and Sharing Jesus

Last week was unusual for me, no counsel sessions and no meetings. When the week began I said , Lord use me ! What do you have for me to do this week ?
The Lord did not take long to answer, Monday morning my Avon lady brought my order, as we were talking, she began to tell me of her fear of going back to school after being out for 10 years. The Holy Spirit immediately urged me to pray for her. I did and God showed up in my living room, she thanked me several times and left after I gave her a few Scriptures to help her overcome her fear. I had lunch that afternoon with a former client. To send her off to a new ministry as a youth Pastor in a small church near Palestine,Tx. Over lunch she began to ask questions about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Moving from a Baptist Church where Tongues and Miracles are thought to have been "For Then and Not Now " moving to a Full Gospel Spirit Filled Church that believes this wonderful gift is for NOW and we should operate in it. I was able to answer her questions and assure her Tongues are AN evidence and that there are other evidences that also can show you are Spirit Filled. I know may who are "Tongue Talkers" and it is the only sign that follows them. They have no Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Kindness, Self Control, Mercy for others and most likely never led anyone to Jesus. I believe these are essential for us to be the Ministers of the Word that Jesus desires us to be, these are all qualities He possessed and we are to be "Christ Like", which is what "Christian" means. I also expressed to her how my prayer language helps me to express myself when I seem to come up against a wall. Tongues are not necessary, but receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit into your life I believe is very necessary to live AN overcoming life here and now. Moving on to Wednesday, had an appointment in Buffalo, had an opportunity to pray for and with two on the people in the office. Once again He showed up, one lady said,"You pray so good", I was quick to tell her it is the Jesus in me.Thursday a client called and needed prayer for a health problem and an emotional upheaval in her life. I prayed with her and gave her a few words of encouragement, before she hung up she said,"I knew you would help me". Friday my daughter Lori called, her mother-in-law had a stroke and was unresponsive, I prayed, put her on the prayer chain and she is now as of this posting 5 days later in rehab. I serve an Awesome God, He has an answer for all of our trials and troubles. Reminds me of one of Becky Fenders songs, You won't always feel this way ! You won't always feel the pain ! God is faithful and true ! Just Praise your way through ! When we learn to Praise our way through we will live a life that is full of God's Peace and Joy,
no matter what is going on around us ! We have an assurance that, God is on Our Side. He makes a River of Life in a Desert of Despair ! Are You a Believer ?? If so are you allowing God to use you ?? If You do not know this man Jesus personally, you have only to Call on Him, ask Him to Forgive Your Sin, Believe and Receive. All we receive from Him comes by Faith. Until next time, "KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS" !!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

An Unbearable Burden

A rainy gloomy day here at the Threet household, but we were in need of the rain. Cancelled plans for last night and today due to the rain, so I have a little spare time this morning to
"Share Jesus" with you. I have been reading a small Bible Study booklet ," How to Find Jesus in Your Pain", by Alice Matthews. It focuses on the Woman with issue of blood. The account of this woman is mentioned in Mark 5 and Luke 8. She had suffered for twelve years from some sort of bleeding due to a female problem in her body, which under Leviticus Law made her "unclean", Lev 15, v 25-27. This law was meant to be in motion at the time of the month that her body would be in its menstrual cycle. She could not go outside her home, everything she touched during this time was believed to be contaminated. Having had this problem for 12 years most likely her husband had divorced her and cast her out, her friends had abandoned her and she most likely lived as a beggar outside the city walls where those who were believed to be "unclean" lived. Mark 5 v 25 says she had a flow of blood for 12 years, I believe Mark knew this woman,because he continued on in v 26 to say she had suffered many things from many physicians, had spent all that she had, was no better, but grew worse. If you are a woman and reading this you can have compassion for her. A twelve year menstrual cycle would be a horrible way to live without the Leviticus Law that was in force. When she heard, ( 27) about Jesus, she sought Him out in the crowd, she said, " IF only I may touch His clothes I shall be made well". At this point in time she was in great danger, she could be stoned according to the Law, Thank God for Jesus, we no longer live under the Law, but through His Grace and mercy. V 29, Immediately the blood dried up, she felt in her body and knew in her spirit that she had been healed. v 30, Jesus knew also, for he felt the healing power flow out of Him. His question, "Who touched me ?", gave her opportunity to give testimony to the crowd of what had happened to her. V 33, She fell down in fear and trembling before the crowd and told Him the whole truth, which He knew, but this was something she needed to do. A confession of faith is always rewarded, v 34, Jesus said, " Daughter your faith has made you well". A miracle ! Twelve long years of suffering, abandoned by family and friends, lost all her material wealth seeking a cure, physically weak, and mentally drained, she TOUCHED HIS garment and received healing.What "Unbearable Burden" are you carrying today. Can you have the faith to touch His garment ? To receive release from that burden ? I know you can not physically touch Him, but in your mind see Jesus standing before you, reach out and touch Him. He said, "We have to seek, ask, believe and we shall receive. I talk to women everyday, receive emails , and Face Book messages from hurting women. Most are not Physical, but Emotional and Spiritual, does not matter to Him, He has healing for all of our afflictions. If you see yourself in this story, carrying a burden that has become too much, lay it down, allow Jesus to heal you of that burden. Her faith in Him, moved her to action, allow your faith to move you to action. He stands at the door of your heart, ready, willing, and able to free you from your burden. You have only to open the door and ask in faith that He will move on your behalf. "Until Next Time Keep Your Eyes On Jesus"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Outward, Onward and Upward

We spent the weekend in Choctaw County, Mississippi visiting Bobby's family. The first Sunday in May is Homecoming Sunday at his childhood church, New Haven Baptist. We spent Saturday putting flowers on the graves of his deceased family. Lots of memories were shared by Bobby, his sister Peggy and his Niece Tricia. The area was hit by a tornado a week ago on Saturday April 24th, we saw the devastation it left in its path, the rains from this Saturday hindered the clean up. I am going to give you an outline of Pastor Ballard's sermon to his congregation a week after the tornado. He used the Scripture from Matthew 9 v 35-38 Jesus went about the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and disease among the people. When he saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd. then Jesus said to his disciples, " The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest." the victims of the tornado are scattered and weary, the people of the community were touched with compassion and wanted to help. Pastor said this is the OUTWARD responsibility, to help with food, clothes and shelter. To begin the job of clearing home sites in order to begin to rebuild. That compassion comes from God, the WANT TO help someone in distress. Jesus ministered to those no one else wanted to minister to, prostitutes, those tormented with demons, leprosy, and the lame. Too often the Christian community does not want to minister to those who need Him the most. How often do you stop to pray for those hurting people who need Jesus in their lives ? INWARD responsibility, As laborers for God we should be at His mercy to serve I Cor. 4v1 says we are, "servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God". Paul was a servant of Christ who served willingly in spite of all the trials and tribulations that came his way. God calls us to come alongside of Him, to do His will is a choice, He will not force us. Upward, is prayer, to be constant and consistent in prayer. To not allow worry and stress of our daily life to choke out our prayer time. To live each day free from worry, tomorrow will have its own set of problems. Remember you are a laborer in Christ's Army, He has a position and a place for you to serve Him. We are to bring peace and hope to a hopeless world, in order to do this we must move out of our comfort zone inside the church building, get outside where the hurting people are. This is our purpose as believers, to bring a lost and dying world to Jesus. Ask, Lord what have you for me to do ? Lord, broaden my scope, send me to the lost where I might bring hope to those who need you the most. Until next time "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus" !

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Every One Wants Change !! Really ??

God's Book of Instructions for CHANGE !!! We have heard a lot about change these past months from the political arena, we were promised "Change" for our country. Many were pulled in by false promises, so today we have the "change" that was promised us. The question now is why are there so many unhappy people with this "change" ? They now see what was promised is coming about, but it is for the most part not what they perceived it to be, a "change" for the good of our country. We are seeing an attempt to tear down the very foundation and principles that America was built on. Websters gives the definition of change as: to put in place an exchange -- substitute -- to cause to become different. My questions for you today are ? Do you really want "change" in your life ? What kind of "change" are you seeking ? How much are you willing to give up to "change" ? These are hard questions with no easy answers. It takes work for "change" to come about in your life, whether it be in the natural or the spiritual. In the natural many of us want or in my case need to lose weight. I am in the process of telling my body, it needs exercise and healthy food. I can say this all day while I sit at the computer or read a book eating chocolate and chips. This behavior will not help me lose weight, so I am disciplining myself to walk 2 or 3 times a week, daily stretching exercising, eating more veggies, fruits and whole grains. Less snacks and sugary foods. I will not lose 20 lbs. overnight, BUT if I will be consistent I will begin to lose body fat and tone my body. This will reward me with lower blood pressure, knees and back that will no longer be in pain. I will feel better, look better, and have a good reason to buy new clothes. Will this been easy ? NO Will I let down and need to get back on track ? YES I have a goal and the only way to meet this goal is to be firm with MYSELF, I must take control of my own thoughts and actions, IF I do not meet the goal it will be my error and no one else's. Let's look at "change" in our spirit man, another area we are sadly falling short, the BIG difference is the natural only affects us here and now, the spirit affects us for an eternity. It takes discipline to read and study the Word, to stay in an attitude of prayer, not say hurtful and mean things when we are offended or mistreated. It has taken me years to move past the hurts of my childhood and the mistakes I made as an adult. My walk with the Lord has been a gradual steady "change" from the inside. A "change" in the way I think. what I do, and what I say. I had to "change" where I went and who I associated with. Had to realize I could not "change" the past, BUT I could "change" my future ! Many of you reading this know I counsel abused women, I have had the privilege for the past 9 years of sowing the Seed of the Word of God into the lives of countless women. Some have grabbed onto that Word and I have seen "change". Others have not seen the need for "change" or it was more work than they were willing to give. There are times I become discouraged when one of my ladies drops out, goes back, or sees no need for the Word. I have learned I am only the Sower of the Word, I can water and fertilize it as they allow me to do, but they must keep the Word in their heart, not let trials of life, situations and circumstances steal the Word from them. They must guard it carefully, it can only be taken if they let it go. When I got out of the drivers seat and allowed God to take me where He wanted me to go, my "change" began to not only effect me but others in my life. It moves from the inside out to all we come in contact with. This "change" does not mean you will never face another trial or test, for it is through those times we can grow our faith and have a word of testimony. This "change" only takes place when you have asked Jesus to forgive you of your sin and your spirit is reborn, the Holy Spirit comes in to dwell in your heart and spirit. Your mind is not reborn, this is where the battle takes place, where the thoughts ideas and suggestions come in to keep you from the "change" that God has for you. You have only to Repent,Believe,Receive.You will be on your way to a life of joy, love, and peace that only relationship with Jesus can give. Are willing to make changes, God is will help you bring about those areas that need "change". Till Next Time, Keep Your Eyes on Jesus !!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lest We Forget

Just returned from the store, crowded with people doing there Easter shopping. Why did I wait till today to shop ?? Too busy this week living life. As I observed those who were shopping I overheard snippets of conservation as I walked up and down the aisles filling my shopping basket. I heard not one word that would lead me to believe this was Holy Week. What should be a most sacred time of the Christian year, in a town that professes for the most part to be Christian, I heard the words, Easter bunny, nice weather for hunting eggs, ham or chicken for dinner ? Not a word Jesus and what this time of year is REALLY all about. I went to Good Friday Services at the Catholic Church yesterday, WHY, because not one other church in our town has a Good Friday Service. There were maybe 50 people there, the Priest commented, "Jesus must be sad to see the state of Christians during Holy Week". I thought of my own life, I had a daughter visiting this week, I did not read, study and pray as I would usually do. I too was lax in my time of reflection on what this week really means to the church. We the believers are the church, have we in the Charismatic movement thrown the baby out with the bath water ? Have we in not wanting to keep some of the religious rituals, went too far by not keeping any of them ? When I was a child we had Holy week services, in a main stream Denomination that did not even really preach Salvation ?? I was in my 20's before I realized I had no "Born Again Experience", that Jesus talked about. We had a Sunrise Service early Easter morning with breakfast after, then the regular morning service. What has happened to us ?? We have become so involved in Egg Hunts, Easter Bunny, New Clothes, we have no room for JESUS and His Death on the Cross, His Resurrection on the third day. Praise God He Lives !! Thank God for an empty tomb !! Lord help me to put all this in proper perspective, forgive me when I become too busy. May I always, "Keep My Eyes On Jesus !!"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Religion Versus Relationship

Many people have asked me the difference between Religion and Relationship. For me it has meant doing away with all of the man made do's and don't do's and seeking what I should do from the book of instructions that He left for us. I believe this will be especially helpful to a person who has recently been Born Again or to one who may still be in that Religious Stage of their life. For me it has clarified what a true Relationship with Jesus is really all about. I know the next time someone asks me the difference, I will have a much clearer answer for them. It's time to move beyond Religion to Relationship through Jesus Christ by entering into God's presence. I came across the following in a Christian Newspaper and want to share it with you. I pray that it will answer your questions and help you to see the differences.
  • Religion focuses on rules.
  • Relationship fixes on presence
  • Religion closes the door to the Holy of Holies
  • Relationship opens the door
  • Religion demands sacrifice
  • Relationship willingly offers sacrifice
  • Religion excludes
  • Relationship includes
  • Religion uplifts the external
  • Relationship bonds with the internal
  • Religion concern itself with style
  • Relationship hungers for substance
  • Religion promotes performance
  • Relationship thirsts for presence
  • Religion sets boundaries and maintains distance
  • Relationship invites intimacy
  • Religion makes building into churches
  • Relationship transforms people into churches
Inviting God's presence has nothing to do with Religion and has everything to do with Relationship. Reprinted from "Inviting God's Presence", Larry Keefauver Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus" !!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Power of Prayer in Your Life

Prayer should be be based on your intimate relationship/fellowship with God The Father, through Jesus The Son often answered by The Holy Spirit. Jesus often went out alone away from the Disciples and the crowd of people to spend time with the Father in prayer.
He withdrew to the wilderness to pray (Luke5v16), He went out to the mountain to pray, (Luke 6v12),Jesus was a man of prayer and prayed often (Luke 22 v39 &40). How much more important is it for you and I to spend time alone with Father in prayer ?
Websters says of Prayer: an earnest request, entreaty, supplication -- a request made to God -- a spiritual communion with God. Prayer was established by God the Creator for those He created, you and me. God wants prayer to be a lifestyle, not a religious exercise.
in Elementary School, gives you a clue to how old I am. I remember in church the Pastor or Teacher reading prayers from a book. When I became a born again believer I was shocked and confused to hear people actually praying out loud, talking to God in everyday language, just as they would speak to me. This was a whole new world to me! I could really speak to God like I talked to my friends and family. Best of all, IF I would stop and listen to that still small voice inside of me, I would often hear from Him, He really cared about me and my problems.
I never knew that God was ready and willing to come to my aid when I called on Him and asked in line with His Word. (James 5v16 b). Our prayers must line up with the Bible !I began to understand that prayer was my way to communicate with God, just me and Him. Awesome !! Over time I came to KNOW that this life of prayer gave me a relationship with Jesus, as I learned that Jesus was my Advocate, (Lawyer), I prayed in His name, the Father heard me. He cared, I asked, I believed, I received. Sounds so simple, this is where Faith comes in, (Heb 11v1) having faith for what you can not see. This is a growing and learning process. I believe now that the biggest hindrance Christians have in their prayer life is, we allow the daily events of life to interfere with our prayer life, this in turn clouds that relationship that we truly need to sustain our daily walk. Paul instructed the church to pray without ceasing, (I Thess.5v16), when I first heard this I thought, "There is no way", I now understand Paul was speaking of the condition of my soul and mind, to be in an attitude of prayer at all times. When I allow the Spirit to be in control of my soul and mind, the problems, trials, and tests that life brings my way, I will be ready to pray and seek His will for whatever comes my way. I am convinced you show me a Christian who does not have a strong, steady prayer life, I will show you a weak person who when life's storms come their way tend to fall apart, they do not have that close relationship with God, they can not hear from Him, they panic and often make foolish choices/decisions that effect
not only their life, but trickle down to others. I am convinced that prayer is a vital part of knowing and doing the will of God. I believe a true follower of Jesus will make time for a prayer life. I urge you today if you are not a person of prayer, START !
What better time to begin than during the season of Lent ? Is this power of prayer a part of who/what you are ? A relationship with God is possible for every person who believes, but it takes discipline and effort. A great prayer life is achieved when practiced daily, it is in these intimate times with the Father that a lasting relationship is built and maintained. A relationship that will sustain you in the storms of life !
Until next time, "KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS !!"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

10 Good Things About Getting Older

Bobby was 70 on March 1, he received a fun card from my sister, Kathy. I thought for a change of pace I would share it with you, You may have reached the stage in life where you are older and will appreciate the humor of this card. If you have not reached that age yet, this will give you something to look forward to. 10 Good Things About Getting Older !! 10. It gives you the perfect excuse to forget things 9. You know lots of good stories to tell 8. Each story can be told many times, whether anyone wants to hear it or not 7. The view is better once you are over the hill 6. You can amaze your friends with obscure facts preceded by," I remember when" 5. You can take bets on which part of your body will conk out next 4. Your kids finally grow up and move out, (if your lucky) 3 Nodding off at inappropriate times is considered quaint, rather than rude 2. Creative use of a hearing aid allows you to hear only what you really want to And The BEST Thing About Getting Older : 1. Every birthday you have gives people another chance to make a big fuss over you and say things like, "How great You Look !" (for an old person)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Last Days ??

The recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chili have caused me to think on the scripture that says ,In the last days there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles . This certainly describes the world we live in today. Seems like weekly we here of another major disaster where hundreds and often more are killed in these earthquakes and tsunamis. These are the beginning of sorrows. (Mark 13:8 & 9) I believe the church has lost some of the reverent fear that is necessary to serve God and be the diligent seeker that He wants us to be. I find it very shocking that only 10% of those who claim to be, "born again believers believers" have ever shared the message and led someone to Jesus. I believe the church has become like the 10 Virgins who were waiting for the Bridegroom to arrive, we have heard for toooo many years, "Jesus is coming back", we have become complacent in our waiting and many have gone back out into the world just as 5 of the virgins did, when the Bridegroom arrived they were without oil, (Holy Spirit) and could not get into the wedding feast,(heaven). The 5 unwise Virgins were not ready they were not allowed into the wedding, I believe were Jesus to return today many who cry Lord, Lord on Sunday would be outside the gate. The 5 Virgins who kept their lamps lit, had a plentiful supply of oil were ready and waiting when the Bridegroom appeared. I ask you to examine yourself, are you full of the oil of the Holy Spirit ? Are you allowing your light to shine in a world that is full of sorrows and troubles ? If Jesus were to appear at the Eastern gate tomorrow would you be allowed in ? Or have you tired of waiting, gone back out into the world that He once delivered you from ? My Pastor often says, "What is there in Hell that you want ?" You can be like the prodigal son and return home, the Father is waiting with the robe, the ring and he will have a feast prepared for the child that lost his/her way. Luke 15:13-31). You have only to repent, ask forgiveness, and become a diligent seeker of His Word, then a doer of that Word. Share your experience, you may be the only person to ever have shared Jesus with them. Your life may well be the only Bible they read, by the Word of our testimony, the way we live our life should cause others to have what we have, love, joy, and peace that comes from a life dependent on God ! Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus".

Friday, February 19, 2010


Recently a friend posted on Facebook, "I have misplaced my happy, if found please return." With this statement I began to think, what is the difference between happy and joy ? I like to look for definitions in Webster's Dictionary, this is what it says for HAPPY ; favored by circumstances-- lucky-- fortunate-- exactly appropriate for the occasion. JOYFUL - full of joy - expressing or causing joy.
My definition of happy, a state of mind, in the natural we look to other people and whatever is going on around us to make/keep us happy. A phone call or speaking to someone that gives us unpleasant news, something happens to us personally, we feel neglected,
unloved, or unwanted, happy goes out the door. It is not fair to others for us to expect them to keep us in a state of "Happy". My take on, JOY; only comes from a personal relationship with Jesus, when the pressures of life com I have a life jacket that will hold me up, He keeps me from going under. The Bible says In Nehemiah 8:10, For the joy of the Lord is your strength. The joy that God gives will sustain us through those times previously mentioned. When we depend on God to help us through each day. There is a peace that comes from the inside. We do not deny the trials, test, and problems that come with living life. Jesus said," In this world you will have tribulation, (trouble) , but be of good cheer I have overcome the world ,(John 16:32b). Speaking again in John 10:10 , He said "I have come that they may have life and they may have it more abundantly" He is speaking these words to us today, those who believe Him and accept Him as Lord and Saviour. A life of joy, peace and love that come with allowing Him to lead, guide, and direct us to a life that gives us something that NO man/woman can give. My message to you today is IF you do not know this Jesus I speak of, the one that gives us Joy, Love, and Peace so freely. We need only repent and believe.
Until next time, " KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS !! "

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Day At A Time !!

Has been too long since I have posted, been very busy as always. Life seems to be flying by, I can not believe we are in another New Year !! In the past month I have been to 3 funerals, I think that always makes me look at my life and think am I doing all I should be for the Kingdom ?? There are so many unfinished things on my list of things to do in this life, in the natural and in the spirit, I must be realistic, my time to complete these things is getting shorter. I in recent years I have joked about living to be 100, at one time that seemed like a LONG way off. It seems to not be so far away now. The new year always brings new challenges in my life and ministry, thoughts of am I walking in His perfect will ? Do I truly allow Him to be in control of my life ? Am I fooling myself ? I have found that it is easy to be in denial. These are a few of my thoughts as I move into 2010. Perhaps they are also on your mind and heart. One thing I do know, He is the light, I only need to follow where He leads and all will be well, no matter what the temporal side of life looks like, I am in the race for the eternal. What about you ? Are you one of the runners Paul talked about ? Are you pressing in to what He has ahead for you ? Will you finish the race, only those who finish will win !! I have considered stopping this blog as I do not really know if anyone reads it, so I am asking you to leave a comment so I can decide if I should continue writing or if my thoughts and time would be better spent on another project. So until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus" !