Today is a better day and I am thankful for being born in America, where I have the freedom to express my thoughts, even when they are not always what everyone wants to hear. I am thankful for a husband who is a hard worker and takes good care of me. There was a time in my life when I did not have a husband who wanted to work and care for me. I thankful for a large family who are loving and caring. Thankful to have both parents alive and well, a blessing especially at my age. Thankful for a wonderful Church Family and Pastors who not only preach and teach the Word, but also live by example. Most of all I thank God that He gave me Jesus,
a friend that is always there, never too busy to listen to me and answer my questions when I am confused. He always brings light into the darkest of situations and NO problem is too big for Him to solve. He will never leave me helpless and alone, He only asks for me to seek Him with my whole heart, trust in Him and look not to my worldly understanding. This is called,"Living by Faith and Faith is what pleases Him. So this Thanksgiving when I stop to reflect on what the day
is all about," Being Thankful". I truly have much to be thankful for. What about you ? Make a list for yourself, you will find that life looks much better when you are Thankful .
Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"
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