The recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chili have caused me to think on the scripture that says ,In the last days there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles .
This certainly describes the world we live in today. Seems like weekly we here of another major disaster where hundreds and often more are killed in these earthquakes and tsunamis.
These are the beginning of sorrows. (Mark 13:8 & 9) I believe the church has lost some of the reverent fear that is necessary to serve God and be the diligent seeker that He wants us to be.
I find it very shocking that only 10% of those who claim to be, "born again believers believers"
have ever shared the message and led someone to Jesus. I believe the church has become like the 10 Virgins who were waiting for the Bridegroom to arrive, we have heard for toooo many years, "Jesus is coming back", we have become complacent in our waiting and many have gone back out into the world just as 5 of the virgins did, when the Bridegroom arrived they were without oil, (Holy Spirit) and could not get into the wedding feast,(heaven). The 5 unwise Virgins were not ready they were not allowed into the wedding, I believe were Jesus to return today many who cry Lord, Lord on Sunday would be outside the gate. The 5 Virgins who kept their lamps lit, had a plentiful supply of oil were ready and waiting when the Bridegroom appeared.
I ask you to examine yourself, are you full of the oil of the Holy Spirit ? Are you allowing your light to shine in a world that is full of sorrows and troubles ? If Jesus were to appear at the Eastern gate tomorrow would you be allowed in ? Or have you tired of waiting, gone back out into the world that He once delivered you from ? My Pastor often says, "What is there in Hell that you want ?" You can be like the prodigal son and return home, the Father is waiting with the robe, the ring and he will have a feast prepared for the child that lost his/her way.
Luke 15:13-31). You have only to repent, ask forgiveness, and become a diligent seeker of His Word, then a doer of that Word. Share your experience, you may be the only person to ever have shared Jesus with them. Your life may well be the only Bible they read, by the Word of our testimony, the way we live our life should cause others to have what we have, love, joy, and peace that comes from a life dependent on God ! Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus".
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