Just returned from the store, crowded with people doing there Easter shopping. Why did I wait till today to shop ?? Too busy this week living life. As I observed those who were shopping I overheard snippets of conservation as I walked up and down the aisles filling my shopping basket. I heard not one word that would lead me to believe this was Holy Week. What should be a most sacred time of the Christian year, in a town that professes for the most part to be Christian, I heard the words, Easter bunny, nice weather for hunting eggs, ham or chicken for dinner ? Not a word Jesus and what this time of year is REALLY all about. I went to Good Friday Services at the Catholic Church yesterday, WHY, because not one other church in our town has a Good Friday Service. There were maybe 50 people there, the Priest commented, "Jesus must be sad to see the state of Christians during Holy Week". I thought of my own life, I had a daughter visiting this week, I did not read, study and pray as I would usually do. I too was lax in my time of reflection on what this week really means to the church. We the believers are the church, have we in the Charismatic movement thrown the baby out with the bath water ? Have we in not wanting to keep some of the religious rituals, went too far by not keeping any of them ? When I was a child we had Holy week services, in a main stream Denomination that did not even really preach
Salvation ?? I was in my 20's before I realized I had no "Born Again Experience", that Jesus talked about. We had a Sunrise Service early Easter morning with breakfast after, then the regular morning service. What has happened to us ?? We have become so involved in Egg Hunts, Easter Bunny, New Clothes, we have no room for JESUS and His Death on the Cross, His
Resurrection on the third day. Praise God He Lives !! Thank God for an empty tomb !! Lord help me to put all this in proper perspective, forgive me when I become too busy.
May I always, "Keep My Eyes On Jesus !!"
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