Recently a friend posted on Facebook, "I have misplaced my happy, if found please return."
With this statement I began to think, what is the difference between happy and joy ? I like to look for definitions in Webster's Dictionary, this is what it says for HAPPY ; favored by circumstances-- lucky-- fortunate-- exactly appropriate for the occasion.
JOYFUL - full of joy - expressing or causing joy.
My definition of happy, a state of mind, in the natural we look to other people and whatever is going on around us to make/keep us happy. A phone call or speaking to someone that gives us unpleasant news, something happens to us personally, we feel neglected,
unloved, or unwanted, happy goes out the door. It is not fair to others for us to expect them to keep us in a state of "Happy". My take on, JOY; only comes from a personal relationship with Jesus, when the pressures of life com I have a life jacket that will hold me up, He keeps me from going under. The Bible says In Nehemiah 8:10, For the joy of the Lord is your strength. The joy that God gives will sustain us through those times previously mentioned. When we depend on God to help us through each day. There is a peace that comes from the inside. We do not deny the trials, test, and problems that come with living life. Jesus said," In this world you will have tribulation, (trouble) , but be of good cheer I have overcome the world ,(John 16:32b). Speaking again in John 10:10 , He said "I have come that they may have life and they may have it more abundantly" He is speaking these words to us today, those who believe Him and accept Him as Lord and Saviour. A life of joy, peace and love that come with allowing Him to lead, guide, and direct us to a life that gives us something that NO man/woman can give. My message to you today is IF you do not know this Jesus I speak of, the one that gives us Joy, Love, and Peace so freely. We need only repent and believe.
Until next time, " KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS !! "
1 comment:
I often experience other people as confusing happiness with pleasure. Pleasure is fleeting and must be held lightly, like pain, or anything else that leaves me feeling attached to something in my experience of the world of form. Happiness for me is closer to the joy you describe, a kind of bliss that is undisturbed by change because I accept change as simply the way things exist.
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