Monday, December 7, 2009

Staying Power

I am borrowing this title from my Pastor from his message on Sunday.He spoke on how we can not give up and give in when storms and trials arise in our life. He used Micah 7v8, when I fall I will arise,when I sit in darkness the Lord will be my light. God watches over the one with a heart to win and He rewards the diligent seeker. I came home and began to meditate on his words. I began to think back over my life to the times when I had no staying power and allowed the problems and trials to overtake me. It took me many years to realize that there was a way to overcome any and all temptation that came my way. I Cor. 10v13, God is faithful and always makes a way for me to withstand and become an over comer. As the years have come and gone I have learned that I must Thank Him, Praise Him and Trust Him NO MATTER what I see in the natural, I must look with my Spiritual eyes, listen with my Spiritual ears to where the Holy Spirit is leading me. When there seems no way out if I will look to Jesus, He will make a way, in the desert there will be a River of Living water. When I have a dry place he will water my spirit with His peace, which will restore my joy, in Him there is strength to overcome. In myself there is nothing but pain from making wrong choices which brings death to my Spirit and those around me see no peace and joy in my life. So as I meditated on Pastor's words I realized that today I do have staying power, I do trust Him when my life is in turmoil, I give Him thanks in the good times and the bad times, not for them but knowing that I can grow stronger in Him as I go through. I believe, "This is the Word of our testimony." When others see us walking out the problems of this life, in health, in finances, our relationships with those we love and those who are hard to love. When we do not falter and stumble, we continue our walk with Him and have staying power. If we do fall he holds out a hand and we can arise and go on. I urge you today to check out your walk, DO you have staying power ? When you fall DO you arise and go on ? Pastor left me with one last thought, I want to share it with you, "The difference in success and failure is determined by your choices, your wrong choices in the do not have to continue to effect your future." This is a new day in the Lord, choose to follow Him, allow Jesus to get involved in your life ! You will never regret following Him !! Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So Much To Be Thankful For !!

The pies are baked and the cake is frosted, all ingredients for Granny Beans are on the counter.
We have Granny Beans instead of the standard green bean casserole. You ask,"WHAT are Granny Beans ?" Just plain ole Campbell's Pork and Beans fixed with bacon, onion, mustard, catsup, and brown sugar. The secret is baking them in a cast iron pot, do not know why,but it makes all the difference in the taste. I have been making them for 23 years, most every time we have a family get together. The grand kids think we can not have a holiday meal without Granny Beans. As I was cooking and baking today I thought back to many years ago, 35 to be exact when there was little food in the pantry and less money. Poor choices in a mate left me with 2 children and no education 1200 miles from home, this of course was not my first poor choice in life. This one just opened my eyes to what a mess my life was. I thank God I did not lose hope or faith and with His guidance I learned how to begin to make better choices. It has been a long hard road to recovering from the past life to the life God has called me to at this time in my life. My biggest regret is my children, they have paid a high price for my mistakes. Tomorrow when we join hands in a circle to ask God's blessing on the food I will not see my birth children there, they are living far away from where I am, but I thank God for the extended family He has given me. So I am very thankful for a Saviour who never gave upon me and loved me in spite of all me mistakes. I am thankful for a wonderful church, Pastors who not only preach the Word, but live it by example. A Church family that loves and cares for each other, always ready with a prayer,
kind uplifting word, or what ever I might have need of. My prayer is for healing for my children from the emotional wounds from the past. That the scars will heal over when they reach out for the love and peace that only comes from a relationship with the Saviour. You may have scars and wounds from your past, or from your life here and now , Jesus is but a call away, at the mention of his name He is ready to forgive you, love you, and give you a life of peace, love, and joy that only He can give. You may have tried on your own for many years, WHAT do you have to lose ? Fear, Anger, Unforgiveness, Worry exchange them for Peace, Love, Joy, !! What a DEAL !! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So let tomorrow be the DAY of new beginnings. Till next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has ALL The Answers !!"

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving From My House To Yours !!

Want to take time to wish all my Blogger and Face Book friends a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving !
Will take time to do so now as I have Counsel sessions tomorrow and baking on Wednesday. Urging each one of you to take a few moments and thank God for His many blessings, health, prosperity, and family. We will be travelling 100 miles to spend the day with children and grandchildren. I also want to copy some from a posting from Life For Jesus Ministry
I thought this was very good and want to share with you.
SAFE, SECURE, AND LOVED What is the one thing that everybody needs, seeks and long for? Is it not to feel save, secure and loved? You were made with the driving passion to love and to be loved, but it does not stop there!! You are made with a longing for something or someone, even when you meet that special person you are still unsatisfied with what you have. There is a inner search to please someone, and let me tell you that person is God….Yes I tell you the truth today and its so sad that so many people never get the chance to experience that total feeling of being loved. People walk around with the idea in there heads that they are made to eat, sleep, have jobs and house and make friends, is that what you think? Is that what you think your purpose on this earth is? If your answer is yes then I think you need to learn the truth today…. There is such great love and sense of security if you come to understand and know God. No I’m not just another person trying to convince you that God is the way the truth and the light, I’m telling you. Without God we are nothing, just some specks walking around on this planet. People so often turn to people for happiness and rely on a person to heal them or take the hurt away from childhood or a previous broken relationship, an abusive father or mother or it can be that you were teased at school. What ever the reason, why do we turn to people for comfort and security? God is the only One that will never hurt you or abandon you, He will never shout at you or say hurtful things to you, He will never send you away if you need love and comfort, so why not turn to Him? Is He not the Giver of life? Is He not the One that loves you more than anyone? Is He not the One that puts you first and have your name writhen in the palm of His hand? Isa 49:16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me. God loves and understands you, He knows everything about you. Your weaknesses and your strengths, what you like and dislike. Nothing about you is new to Him, but yet He still loves you. He does not ask or expect of you to be perfect, He wants you to be loved. If you don’t have God in your life, I want to tell you that to make that decision will be the best one you will ever make. God has an appointment with you and is waiting for you to let Him in. Look around you, do you see all the splendour, His creation and love. All the wonderful things that He has made? God cares much more for you than things on this earth, you are His child. I ask that you look past the things of the world and all that is going on, I’m asking you to look at God and His beauty. All you need to do is trust in Him and turn to Him. I truly hope that you make God apart of your life and see how satisfying it is to walk with Him, no matter what happens in your life. God is truly the only One that can give you 100% security, love and the feeling of being save. Our God is a awesome God and I love him My prayer for you: My wonderful Father and Friend, I thank You for the opportunity to tell this people about Your greatness and love. God You are truly the Way and the Light. I ask that You will please reveal Yourself to these people and let them experience Your love. God thank You that we can know for certain that You love us and will always be there for us. Father God You are awesome and there will never be anyone like You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ and I thank You. Amen
Have a blessed week, All my love,
Life for Jesus Ministries

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Proximity, Perception, Promotion,and Power

Where does the time go ?? I have been so busy, no time for the blog. Maybe I need to spend less time on Facebook, it is addicting, always wanting to see what everyone is doing. Last couple of weeks have been working on a community wide garage sale to help restore and maintain our emergency shelter, Judy's House. This is an answer to an ongoing prayer for 8 years. I Thank God He has provided this place for short term care for victims of Domestic Violence. Attended a revival at a local church last week, the Holy Spirit moved and I was ministered to. You know the HS wants to minister to us as that is His purpose, we must open up and allow him to do so. The Evangelist Paul Bradford brought a message on 4 words. I have been mediating on these 4 words and am going to share a little from his message and a few thoughts of my own. I pray this will minister to you. Proximity, Perception, Promotion, Power. Let's look at the meaning of these words from a spiritual sense. Proximity-- the state of quality or being near -- How close are you to God, is He near to you or do you hold keep Him a distance away from you. The closer you draw to Him the more He can and will minister to you. There are several things that keep us from being drawn to God, our pride, our unbelief, and sin. It is hard for us to admit we can not do it alone, we need help. We must believe that what He promises in His Word He can and will do. God can not overlook the sin in our life, if we continue living in sin He can not bless us. Perception Your conscious awareness, the way you see something. How do you see God ? Is He bigger than any problem or situation you may face in this life ? Do you see Him as THE MOST HIGH GOD ? Or do the trials and problems of life overwhelm you ? Is your God in control of everything. Ask yourself,"How do I see God?" Promotion To advance, to stir up an interest in. Are you advancing in the Kingdom ? Are you moving onward and upward in your calling ? Paul said we must press in to what is ahead leaving behind the old man and becoming a new man in Christ. In the natural when we do well on our job we may be in line for advancement, the same is true of our spiritual life. When we are faithful in the small things God asks, He will give us more responsible work. Power The capability of performing or producing, great ability to do, act, or affect strongly. Are you walking in the power of the Holy Spirit ? Are you affecting the lives of those you live and work with ? Do people call on you when they need prayer ? Do they see the power of God in your life ? Each of these 4 Words have a big effect on your Spiritual life and your impact on people. If you are not close to God, see Him as bigger than life, looking and pressing in to Him on a daily basis, then you will have no power of the Holy Spirit working in your life. Today I ask you to search your heart, where are you in your walk with God ? Are you Far or Near, do you see Him as Small or Big, are you standing still or moving up to a higher calling ? Are you in working your own power or in the Anointing of the Holy Spirit ? The choice is yours !! Are you satisfied with being an ordinary Christian OR do you want to be an extraordinary Soldier on the Spiritual Battlefield ? Until next time,"Keep Your eyes On Jesus

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Domestic Violence, The Rest Of The Story

This article will appear in the local papers in Leon County, Texas. I want to share it with my Blog viewers and FB buddies. I pray that lives will be changed from this article. Norma Threet, Support Services Director Over the past few weeks you have read articles on the signs of Domestic Violence, the statistics and ways you can help curb this problem in Leon County and the surrounding area. This week I want to address what happens after the victim leaves her abuser. Often she has no job, no transportation and often has left with nothing but her clothes and children. This is where our program gets involved for the long term, helping her find resources, for a place to stay, a job, and counseling for her emotional wellbeing. We offer individual counsel and guidance, when she feels she is ready there is a support group of women who have also been victims. Many of these women have great stories to tell of their road to recovery, how they have changed their lives, are no longer victims but on their way to becoming survivors. We do this by using the principles in the Bible, teaching how to apply them to their daily life. Helping them learn how to make better decisions,to learn from their past mistakes,avoiding the pitfalls that got them into abusive situations. To restore their self esteem, learn how to forgive their abuser and overcome their anger. To understand that God loves them and wants them to live a life for Him. A life that is full of the love, joy, and peace that only He can give, to put the past behind them and move forward to a better life for themselves and their children. They will never forget, but they can choose to not remember. I am asked all the time why and how do you do this ?? I have lived the life these women and children are living. My childhood was filled with a Dad who used alcohol to escape his demons and a Mom that no matter what I did or how I did it was never good enough. My early adult years were spent looking for love and peace in all the wrong places, my children paid the price just as I had. Domestic Violence is a curse that follows our families for generations, but there is hope and help for those who want to escape. This curse can be broken by learning who Jesus is and who you are in Him. I know it works, because I have changed on the inside, I am no longer a victim of my childhood or the mistakes I made of my own choosing. I now have that joy, love, and peace He promised, it did not happen overnight, it took several years, but it has all been worth it. Today my Dad is a recovered alcoholic who met Jesus at 65, my Mom also knows the saving grace Jesus gives. I now have the privilege of helping other women down the road to victory !!Today I can truly say, "There is Life After Domestic Violence !!" Do you relate to what I have said ? Maybe you have a friend or loved one that needs to start over, stop the cycle of abuse, get her life in order. Show her this article, give her my number 903-322-2399. All are services are free and confidential. Possibly you are a survivor and would like to be a part of this ministry, pray and seek God's will. We have a training class in November, call me for more information. Many ask how can I help ?? Come to the garage sale fundraiser sponsored by Doc Holladay on November 7, 8 AM - ? We are still accepting good useable items, drop off at Doc's office, Mon-Wed-Fri, afternoons. All proceeds will go to help restore and maintain our temporary/emergency shelter, Judy's House. Most important of all PRAY, that we can continue "Changing Lives One Family At A Time".

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October has been designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time set aside to help educate the public on this terrible epidemic that destroys our homes from the inside out. The place that God meant to be safe and peaceful, is often a battlefield of verbal and physical abuse. The home becomes a living hell and often those who reside there would rather go anywhere but home. I know because I lived in such a home as a child and an adult. Today through God's grace and mercy I am no longer a VICTIM, I am a SURVIVOR. It has been a long and often painful road to recovery, but it has been worth it, as today I am through the Holy Spirit helping to lead other Victims down that road to becoming a Survivors. I want to share some statistics with you t from Law Enforcement and the National Domestic Violence Counsel. 78% of the prison population were abused as children 96% of all prostitutes were victims of child sexual abuse 80% of runaways cite child abuse as the major reason they run Over 55% of all female drug addicts were sexually abused as children More than 2,000 infants and young children die from abuse each year Every 4 seconds a child is abused Every 7 minutes a child is killed from abuse Every 3 minutes a woman is killed by violence A woman is beaten every 9 seconds in the U.S. Domestic violence is the most under-reported crime in the country On average, 4 women are murdered every day by their male partner in the U.S. Women in the U.S. are in 9 times more danger in their own homes that they are in the street One in three women will be abused by a male partner during their lifetime. Domestic/Family Violence is tearing the very fabric of our homes apart. I have been counseling in my local community for 8 years, we are seeing more violence from family members other than the male/female relationships. Mother/Daughter, Grandparents/Grandchildren, Sisters/Sisters, any and all combination of family members are at odds with each other that escalates to the point that law enforcement is called and often entails a trip to the hospital. Domestic Violence happens to all, it has no boundary of race or economics. The churched and the unchurched, the answer is we all need a revelation of WHO Jesus is and what He can do in our life IF we will let Him. Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has ALL The Answers !!"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

And the rest of the vacation !!!

Want to share a little of the sister trip to Vegas, we flew out of Cleveland on Mon the 27th. a 4 hr flight to Vegas. This was the first time we have planned a long trip like this together. We have been living in different areas for many years. I have been in Texas since 1975, about that time Mary the youngest joined the Army and was in Germany for many years. Maxine lived and worked in Va and Ct, she and her husband are retired and travel the country in their motor home. Kathy stayed in Holmes County, she and her husband own a business their and are actively involved in the community. This trip was in the planning for several months. Mary and I had never been to Vegas before, so we were excited. We stayed at the MGM Grand, Kathy and I shared a room, Maxine and Mary were next door. We walked and walked, it was very hot !! , o. Each hotel has a different theme and many have free shows, Dancing Waters at Bellagio, Feed the Lions at MGM, the Volcano at the Mirage to name a few. We took lots of pictures and ate at several really nice restaurants. They serve so much food that we split meals and of course had to have desert. We visited the M&M store, it had more shoppers than any other place we went, 4 floors of M&M, products. Saw Bette Midler and a 50-60's show of songs from The Platters, The Coaster, and The Marvelettes. We rented a car on Saturday and drove to the West Rim of the Grand Canyon, it was an awesome sight !! We also stopped at Hoover Dam on the way back. The lights on the Strip are as fabulous as everyone said, we proved you can go to Vegas, and have a GREAT time without losing all your money in the slots and drinking yourself sick. Overall I rate it as a wonderful time spent with my sisters and we are still speaking to each other and thinking about where can we go next year ?? Once again I thank God for providing the resources for me to go and my husband for being such a good sport to encourage me on my adventures. Check my FB site for pictures. Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Vacation is Over ! Back to Real Reality Life !!

Sorry I have been gone so long, spent 5 weeks away from home with family and friends.
Had 2 mini vacations inside the 5 weeks. Left Buffalo daylight Aug. 8th and arrived at my Mom's in Ohio the afternoon of the 9th, 1228 miles. Spent Monday and Tuesday with my best friend, Sue. We have been friends for over 43 years. On Wednesday Mom and I drove to Columbus, spent the night with my sister,Mary, next morning the 3 of us started out for Kansas City,Mo. We spent the night and part of the next day touring the Arches and the Catherdral Bascilla. We then traveled onto KC, I stayed my first time ever in a 5 star hotel on the Plaza, I was not too impressed. Seems like they charge extra for everything from parking to WiFi. There were lots of people out strolling the streets, so Mary and I got Mom settled in the room after dinner and we went out to see what was going on. stopped at an Open House where the photographer, Thomas D. Mangelson had a showing of his work. I have seen him on TLC and Discovery. I purchased 2 small prints which he signed. The reason for our trip came on Saturday, my Nephew John's wedding. It was a small family affair, simple but very nice. John has 2 Daughters and Mary has a Son. They were flower girls and ring bearer. The minister made it special by having them blend different colored sand in a vase representing the blending of a new family. The reception was at the home of the couple who introduced them 2 years ago. We had the opportunity to meet Mary's parents and a couple of her siblings. We left early Sunday and drove straight through to Columbus, another 1300 miles. Forgive me, some of this was told in the previous post.
By now it is August 17th and the Holmes County Fair is in full swing, I have moved to my sister Kathy's home. Went to the fair everyday, this is a BIG event where I come from. My son ,Wesley and his family visited us on Tuesday and Wednesday. He has 3 boys, Will,John and Luke. This was my first time to see Luke. we spent Wednesday at the fair. Will loves the fair and he like ALL the rides, John is only 2 and not as enthused as his brother. It was a short visit, but I cherished every minute. We went to visit my Dad, who is at an Assisted Living Home. I went to the rodeo, thought that was funny going to Ohio to see a rodeo when I live in the rodeo state of Texas, I always enjoy the clowns. Saturday I visited my Nephew, Darin and his family. I had not seen him in many years, we have touched base on FB. He has a lovely wife and 3 boys, he is a youth minister at his church and is helping start a new church in Holmes County. Darin's Grandma Opal Runnion was a big influence in my life, she explained to me the difference between religion and a personal relationship with Jesus. I am so glad we had the opportunity to share what Jesus is doing in our lives, I know Grandma Runnion is proud of both of us. Saturday night was the Demolition Derby at the fair, lots of noise, smell, and smoke, there was a packed crowd with many standing. This fair is a Jr 4-H event, so there are sales of the livestock, my sister and brother-in-law always buy animals for slaughter at the fair and this year was no different, they purchased 4 hogs, donating one to their local food pantry and a steer, I helped her transport the meat from the processing plant to her house. We filled 2 big freezers, both of her frig freezers and still had meat left over, which she shared with the employees at their business. They are such giving people and God keeps blessing them in order for them to be a blessing They are both a true example of the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping !! I always take a large cooler and bring pork and beef home, it is so much better than what we buy at the store. The Monday after the fair we made a trip to Brewster, Ohio to The Dolly Madison tea room, this was our first visit there. We had a party of 10 ladies and girls, the waitress was in period costume, we had what they described as a High Tea. There were so many different kinds of tea it was hard to choose. We stopped at Mrs Shearers Chip Factory on the way out of town, I believe they have the best Kettle cooked chips., they sell first and seconds in large bags, of course I stocked up. I put them in the freezer when I get home. This brings me up to Tuesday the 25th of August, I need to start packing for the Sister's trip to Vegas, which I will tell you about the next posting. I want to thank God first for providing the funds to take a second vacation this year, having been gone 2 weeks in the spring on my Ca. trip. I thank my husband, Bobby, there are not many men who would be willing to continue to work at his age,(69) to enable me to travel. He does not care to go but is good about me going, being gone for weeks at a time while he stays home by himself. He has just retired for the 3rd time, so my trips may be fewer. I thank God for giving me good health and a sound mind to drive thousands of miles by myself, I have driven over 7000 miles this year, time to shop for a new car ! I will sign off for now, hope I have not bored you too much, but many have asked about the trip and it is easier to post here than to try and tell it over and over. If you like you can check my FB site, Norma Runnion Threet for photos of my trip. Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer Vacation

Has been too long since I last posted, but I have good reason. I am on vacation in Ohio, left Texas Aug.7th and have not stopped since I arrived. Drove my Mom and sister to Kansas City for my Nephews wedding on Sat. the 15th. We left a day early and spent some time in St. Louis, touring the Arches and the Cathedral Brasilia where they have some awesome Mosaic Glass Artwork. We drove straight through coming back, a long 13 hours. I am accustomed to long trips, my Mom and Sister were great passengers and we had a great time. Mary is my youngest sister and we have not spent a lot of quality time together as I am 14 yrs older than her and having married young she can not remember when I was at home. I moved to Texas when she was a teenager, she joined the Army after high school and spent many years in Germany. So, we are beginning a relationship as mature adults, one of us almost an elder adult ! As this is Sunday I will be attending church with my Dad today, taking him to lunch after and then a visit to his brothers, who happens to be one of my favorite Uncles. Going to church and praising God together is a very special time for me, there was a time when we spent out time together in a bar. then I met a man named "Jesus" and my life was changed !! for many years I prayed for my Dad and at 65 he too called out that name and became a changed man. my Dad is a true example of what Jesus can do with a life when a person totally surrenders to and allows God to take control. He was an angry, bitter man who did not love himself, therefore could not love his family as he should. He provided for us financially, but there was no emotional stability received from him. I thank God I have had these last 23 years to have good times and make memories to replace those memories of my childhood. I have not forgotten, but I have forgiven! Forgiveness in our lives is SO important, if we do not forgive those who have hurt us in the past and those who still wound us we will become bitter and hard for others to love us. I chose to be BETTER and not BITTER, what about those who have hurt you in the past ? Are you holding grudges ? Do you find fault with family and friends ? Are you always on the defense, knowing someone is always out to get you ? I lived too many years in the self pity victim mode. I am a Survivor !! One day I looked in the mirror and said there has to be a better way than this, Lord help me to be a kinder and more loving person. The Holy Spirit spoke in my inner most self and said, "You must forgive." That was a starting place !! If you can relate to my story, ask Him, you too can receive the peace you seek, God will give you a joy you have never known, that comes from deep within, that only He can give and NO man can take it away, you may give it up, but it is yours as long as you, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello From The Great State of Ohio

I am on vacation in my birth state of Ohio, I try to visit a few weeks each year. Most of my family lives here, a son in Indiana finishes the North of Dallas members. I always enjoy this time away to relax and regroup my thoughts away from the ministry, going back home refreshed and renewed to continue the call of God on my life. It gives me an opportunity to visit other churches and see and hear what the Holy Spirit is doing in other parts of the country. It is wonderful to know that believers near and far are in tune with the same Holy Spirit , we are all hearing the same message, putting our own unique personality to the message we are all serving the same Lord. This trip is extra special as I traveled to Missouri to my nephew, John's wedding. I will also be taking a trip to Las Vegas later this month with my sisters. No, I am not a gambler, we have worked too hard to throw our money away. I invest my resources, both time and money in the the Lord's work, where it is not a gamble and I know I will receive a large return of souls added to the Kingdom. We will be taking a day to go to the Grand Canyon, a God given wonder for man to enjoy. I am very excited as I have never been either place. Tomorrow is also a big day as my son is bringing his family here to visit. He has 3 boys, Will, John, and Luke, who Grandma has not seen since he was born in Feb. I am so thankful that God has given my husband the health and strength to continue to work, as this gives us the extra income for me to travel, this being my second long vacation this year. My source is not in the government or to worry about the economy, I am to push forward to the prize that He has set before me, a calling higher than that of man. There is no comparison to my work of many years in the business world to the work He has given me to mend broken hearts by simply sharing my testimony and the Living Word of God with women who have been victims for too long. To take His Word and show them how they can have a better life, one of love, joy, and peace !! Do you know this Jesus I speak of ? Have you confessed and asked Him to forgive you and receive a Spirit that is reborn to His Truth and Love ? You have only to ask, believe, and receive. Yes it is that simple. (John 3v16) So until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has All The Answers !"

Friday, July 31, 2009

Captivity to Freedom -- Victim to Survivor

Last night was a milestone for me in my ministry, my first client returned to Buffalo to speak to the Support Groups, Advocates and women who have a passion for our ministry. Her message was how she moved form the mentality of a victim to that of a Survivor, from captivity to freedom !! Do you know how ? She allowed Jesus Christ to become not only her Savior, but Lord of her life. Giving everything over to Him and allowing Him to take control and move her away from and out of and through to the plan that He had designed for her life. refer to Jer. 29 v 11 & 12, God has a future and a plan of good for each of us. Our part is to get into position where He can begin the process. As Tami was speaking I thought of the broken woman who sat on my couch 7 years ago and cried out for help. Today she is confident and self assured that she is in the position that He wants for her at this season of her life. She is serving with the Friendships Ministry home based in Lake Charles ,La, they are a disaster relief organization traveling world wide wherever there is a need. ( ). You may be reading this and do not know the plan that God has for your life, you may or may not have been or still are a victim and ask where do I start to find the plan that God has for my life ?. #1 (John 3v16) You must know Jesus as Savior, ask him for forgiveness of sin and turn away from the past and look to Him. #2 (Luke 11v 9-12) Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His Love for people and His power to minister that Love. #3 (Rom. 12 v2 )Renew your mind daily to the Word of God and He will become Lord of your life. Listening to Tami last night brought back to my mind a Bible Study I heard in 1995, this study was a turning point in my life, to begin moving from Jesus as Savior to Jesus as Lord of my life. I found the outline this morning and want to share it with you. Let The Past Be The Past I Cor 5v17 / Phil 3v13-15 / I Peter 4v3 1. The Past is to LEARN from, Not to LIVE in . 2 . God does not consult your PAST to determine your FUTURE 3. Conquer Your PAST by focusing on your FUTURE 4. STOP looking at where you have been ! LOOK at where you are going! 5. STOP looking at what you do not have, LOOK at what you do have ! 6. Your FUTURE begins with whatever is in your hands TODAY ! 7. DON'T always believe what others SAY about you, BELIEVE GOD ! 8. Those who created past PAIN, do not CONTROL your FUTURE ! 9. You can become BITTER or GET BETTER, You CHOOSE ! 10. You may STUMBLE and FALL, But WINNERS GET UP ! This is a process and will not come about overnight, but the diligent seeker WILL find the way with direction and wisdom from , God the Father, Jesus the Son and The Holy Spirit Until next time, "KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS, HE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS !!"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Prayer Changes Our Life !!

I have spent much of the last week in prayer, there is a young man , (15) in our area who was badly injured in a vehicle accident a week ago. He has been in critical condition, much damage to his internal body and severe damage to his head, that has caused trauma to his brain. This has brought our community together in prayer. Everywhere I go people are asking about how is Jacob doing ? I believe every church in town has him on their prayer chain. Praying intensely for this young man has strengthened my faith as we get updates several times a day, It has prompted me to ask, how do those who do not know Jesus and have a relationship with Him
make it through a time such as this. Jacob's Mom has strong faith, can not even imagine how hard this must be for her, to stand strong and firm on the Word believing that God is in control, what the enemy intended for harm will give Glory and Honor to God. here in Buffalo,Tx. we are standing on the Word of God that Jacob will live and not die. I have a large immediate and extended family, there is always someone or something to pray about. I thank God that when there is a problem, trial, or test my loved ones call on me to pray. Through the years we have seen many answered prayers, there have been times that prayer was not answered in the way we would have liked, but we must believe that in those instances God is in control and has only what is best for us on His mind, in spite of what we may see with the natural eye or hear with the natural ear. He is a God of the Supernatural , His wonders to perform, He takes the IM out of impossible and makes thing possible. If you do not know Jesus as your Savior, you have only to ask and believe, then seek Him dilgently and make Him Lord of your life.
Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" !!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Boundaries, When to Say Yes,When to Say No

My advanced Support Group is finishing a book by Henry Cloud and John Townsend on setting Boundaries, I have learned so much from this book. I have been a person who has said yes too many times when I should have said no. Never wanting to have someone mad at me or hurt their feelings. This book uses Bible principles to instruct on how and when to set boundaries for every area of your life. Spouse, Children, Parents, Friends, and Work. I wish I would have had this book when I was raising my children, in this area I probably said no too many times at the wrong time. Having too much freedom as a teen, I tended to be too strict on my children as they were growing up. It goes from birth through teen years giving instruction on how to help your children begin on a foundation that will produce an adult that will be an asset not only for society, but especially an adult that can hear from God and then obey. I encourage you to get this book and read it slowly from front to back.' I have the Workbook but it is very repetitive, unless you want to do an in depth study and answer the questions at the end of each chapter. I am also reading the book on the Dugger family, 20 and Counting. I watch their show on TV and have been fascinated by how they manage to raise such a large family without Government assistance. God has truly blessed them and I believe their plan has worked for them. I do not believe it is for everyone, God does have a plan for each of our lives and we have only to find that place in Him and follow the path He lays before us. Just as He does not call everyone to be a Missionary in Africa, I do not believe He calls every family to have18 children. Their story is interesting and in the coming years we will see if their way works as their children grow up and leave home. For myself 4 was good and I love each one of them, I was not Harriet Nelson or Bever's Mom and know I could have been a much better Mom than I was, but we can not go back and do it over, I love my children and have asked them to forgive me for my poor parenting. This book has been a real eye opener for me and much of it I can put into practice in my life now. If you are reading this and have small children at home, I encourage you to get this book, not just for you but for your children. Until next time, "Keep You Eyes On Jesus"

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I have a daily reading called,"For Women Who Do Too Much," which I do not always get to read and I am at the present a month behind. The daily reading for June 10 really spoke to me and I want to share it with you, this applies to men as well as women. Satisfaction with one's life is like being anointed with warm oil. It is so peaceful to read the words of someone who is content. Often we equate contentment and satisfaction with stagnation. They are anything but that ! True satisfaction with ones life is an acceptance of what is, continuing to prepare for what can be, while letting go of what we thought needed to be. Satisfaction is a quiet place of quietude, a busy place of stillness. Satisfaction is a place of relief rarely felt be people who do too much. Satisfaction is the soul breathing a sigh of relief. I meditated on this and I thought of when Paul said he was content no matter what state he found himself in. Phil. 4v11. He had learned how to be content and satisfied because he knew God was in control and would give him the strength to carry out God's plan for his life, Phil. 4v13. The warm oil refers to the Holy Spirit, He is our Comforter and our Peace. So my prayer for myself and for you who are reading this is to be satified where I am now, continue to look forward to what God's plan for my life is, and release what I think is needed. Let God has His way in my life, find that place of quiet and dwell there, for that is where He will be found. To be busy with His work, listening for His voice and follow after it, for there is where I will find the peace and contentment that I seek. Till next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus".

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Are Yoiu An Overcomer ?

Can not believe 2 weeks have passed since I have posted here. Computer was in shop all last week,so I do have somewhat of a good reason. Pray all had a wonderful 4th ! We went to spend the day with family, it was a peaceful day of eating and visiting. This will be a busy week for me, a meeting in the morning and 3 counsel sessions this week. Brought a granddaughter home with us, she is old enough to be alone for short periods of time. Of course I want to do some fun things with her while she is here, probably a movie, swimming and eating out. We both like to play board games and we are very competitive. I read a book and cleaned some cabinets and closets while the computer was down. So all was not lost ! I do realize I spend entirely too much time online and playing my games, would really help if I could get high speed Internet, maybe this year the phone lines will be upgraded out here. I am only 4 miles from town, but that is too far. my Pastor gave a wonderful message today on being an overcomer, I want to share a few of his points with you and some of my own added thoughts. There will always be opportunity to give up or give in to the challenges and pressures of life. I must always remember I am an overcomer in the process of overcoming. I must see myself as God sees me ! The Bible is our blueprint to living a victorious Christian life. II Cor. 2 v14 says He always leads us in triumph, I must follow where He leads and I will never go wrong. I will not and can not be defeated as long as I follow where he leads. Defeat and failure are not in the future of the believer who learns how to apply God's word to his daily life. There are several points that will enable you to begin your path to being an overcomer. James 4 v 17 lays out the way, 1. Submit to God, 2. Resist the Devil , 3 Draw near to God. If I do these then God will draw near to me and the Devil will flee. If I fail to apply these 3 steps then I will be attacked with the enemies weapons, 1 Fear, 2 Doubt, and 3 Worry. These 3 areas are attacks on our thoughts, this is how the enemy gets to us. He can not attack the spirit man as it belongs to God, so he comes through our minds with wrong thinking. This is why it is so important for us to mediate on the Word day and night and to hide and guard it in our hearts. I encourage you to dive into the Word of God, feed on it as you feed your physical body and you will become the overcomer that God sees you to be and you will begin to see yourself as one also. There is a champion in every born again believer, we need to nurture that champion in the Word and watch him grow into a powerful witness for His honor and glory. remember God does not look on the outside of man, He looks to the heart of man, what is in the heart will be spoken out of the mouth. I pray that the Word of the Living God will come forth from my mouth ! Let this be your prayer ! Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Tribute To My Dad

Tomorrow is the Sunday set aside to honor our Fathers.There was a time in my life when Fathers Day did not hold much meaning for me. As a young adult I was able to see my Dad as he really was, an alcoholic who was able to hold a job and not much else. He was abusive to my Mom and became loud and mean when he drank. He never mistreated me physically, but his behavior took a toll on my emotions and left me unable to make good choices for my life. Twenty three years ago my Dad met a man named Jesus. He surrendered his life to Him and today I am very proud of my Dad. He is a soft spoken mild mannered man who loves the Lord with all his heart. The past couple of years have brought big changes in his life, due to a fall he was no longer able to live alone, this was very hard for him to except. He now lives in an assisted living home with thirteen other men and women who also have had to give up their homes. It is hard for me to imagine how difficult this must be for him, one day I too will most likely face a similar situation. I can not be with my Dad this year, miles may separate us, but in Spirit we are together. I am so very thankful that my Dad allowed God to get involved in his life. He is a changed man from the inside out. God has taken away the hurt and pain from my childhood. No I have not forgotten, but I choose not to remember. I am grateful for these last twenty plus years to make good memories with my Dad. Without Jesus in both our lives this would not have been possible. You may have memories of your past that haunt you and keep you from loving your Dad as you would like, Jesus is able to take your broken heart and mend it. You have only to ask. Till next time, "Keep your Eyes On Jesus !"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Another Week, How Time Goes By !!

I have been setting up a Facebook site and have been spending toooo much time on the computer. I have found several people who I had lost contact with, so it has not all been frivolous. It does take a lot of time as I have only dialup, is it wrong to pray for high speed Internet ?? He did say he was concerned about everything that pertained to us, so I will continue to pray for the phone lines to be updated in my area. I have had several opportunities to minister in this past week was called as a crisis counselor to a local fire, where 2 girls had accidentally burned down the house they were house sitting for. Thank God they were ok, but I did feel very sad for the family who were called back from vacation to find a smoldering mass that only hours before had been their home. I have 3 clients who are in a somewhat crisis mode right now and I have been in contact more often than usual. I pray constantly for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct these women onto a path that is where God would have them go. The Road to Recovery is often long, rocky and time consuming. It is very hard to not give up hope of ever being a whole complete person in mind, body, and spirit. I encourage them to be faithful and to never stop seeking Who He is and the part He wants to play in their life. I know from my own personal experience Hi is always but a call away, His line is never busy and He never puts me on hold or says call back at a more convenient time. So I ask you uphold me in prayer and the precious women God brings into my life. I am blessed and priviledged He called me and I answered, "Lord here I am, use me." How about you, what is He calling yout to and what is your answer ?? Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has ALL The Answers"

Monday, June 8, 2009

I Will Speak The Word !!

Has been a busy past few days, as always in the summer time I need a half day to mow yard. It has become somewhat of a dreaded job for me, I need to be thankful for a riding lawn mower. The second Support Group has also put another time crunch in my life, I now need to study for a group each Thursday, Group 1 is working on the book,"Boundaries", by Cloud and Townsend. My prayer is that the ladies have learned as much from it as I have. I see where I have made some poor boundaries and then there are those boundaries that were good and the right way to go. Group 2 are for the most part new Christians and are feeling their way on the road to recovery. The first months are always hard when you leave an abusive relationship. You are foundering around trying to find out who you are and what do you really want from life ? this group is learning how to pray and apply the Word to their life. to speak positive over their situation, not denying the problems, but denying their right to hinder them in their walk with the Lord. It has taken me many years to realize that what I speak over myself and my family will bring LIFE or DEATH. Prov 18v21 says there is life and death in the power of the tongue. This past Sunday my Pastor spoke on, Seed-Word Form, that is exactly what the Word of God is like, a seed when planted and cared for will bring forth a harvest. There are so many Scriptures in Proverbs that talk about our tongue,mouth and what we say. a few are Prov 13v3, Prov 21v3 ,Prov 23v9 to name a few. Jesus also talked about what we should say, He spoke to the wind , a storm, and cursed a tree. All of these He used words out of His mouth and then saw what He spoke. God the Father spoke the world into being and then saw what he spoke, we are made in God's spiritual image, to me this means when I speak in line with the Word I too can see what I speak. So I have learned over the years to put a watch over my mouth, let the Word of God come forth in a positive light and stand back and see the power of God manifest itself in my life. I pray this Word has opened your eyes to how important your words are. Till next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"

Monday, June 1, 2009

And Life Goes On

This weekend was very busy, went to a Women's Conference on Saturday, these are always good, an opportunity to hear someone else tell what God has been speaking to them. A time of fellowship and praising God with like minded women of all ages. This one was extra special because the men of the church did the cooking and the serving. The desert was fantastic !! The theme of the meeting was "Pushing Through". The speaker was Kim Brashier from Lovelady,Tx. She spoke about the "Crowds In Our Minds", to rid ourselves of what if ? should have ? could have ? To set aside our worries and fears, to "Push Through" the falsehoods of the natural into the Spirit realm where there is freedom and liberty. This message was confirmation of what God has been speaking to me for the last couple of months. To not allow the problems and fears of each day to keep us from stepping into what God has for us. She used the woman with the issue of blood as an example of a desperate woman, who had to "Push Through" the law of the unclean and the crowd that day, she had to leave her comfort zone to reach out for the healing power that Jesus had to offer. We as women today are also desperate for a healing in our body,mind, and spirit, to rid ourselves of the "Crowds" of thoughts, ideas, and suggestions that attack us on every side. Like the woman with the issue of blood we must "Push Through" to victory. Then Sunday I spent most of the day at church, morning service, a baby shower, and helping serve dinner after a funeral for one of our members. When I returned home in the evening I thought how life does go on, we said goodbye to one of our own and then preparing for the new baby who will become a part of our church. The cycle from birth to death is never ending, a sadness of the loved one who will be missed and the joy of looking forward to the new birth. Lets keep "Pushing Through To Victory", until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !".

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Tomorrow is a day set aside to honor those men and women who have sacrificed to keep America free. Too often we take this for granted and I pray each of us will remember those fallen heroes who have given the utmost, their life to give us what we overlook and do not appreciate, A Free Country. My Grandson, Jonathan Thompson is serving in the Army, my Pastor's son, D.J. Lane is in the Marines in Iraq, and my friend Tami's son, Nathan Petty is in the Air Force. I am very proud of each of these young men and thank God for young men and women just like them who are willing to join our military in these unstable times. So join me in honoring those who have given their life's blood and those who are
serving today to KEEP AMERICA FREE !!
Just as these Soldiers are giving of themselves in the natural, Jesus also gave that we might have Eternal life in the Spirit realm. An everlasting life that no man can take away from us. We have only to believe and ask for the salvation that His death on the cross provided. If you have not
asked for this free gift I pray you will do so today, we are not assured of tomorrow ! Do not wait!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

He Is The Vine, I Am A Branch

He is the vine and I am a branch that produces good wine and brings joy and fulfillment to my life and to those I am called to minister to. What about you ?? Are you a fruit producing vine that is pruned to perfection ?? Or have you become slothful and wasteful of what He has given you ?? Search your heart, see if there is something you need to rid yourself of. God the Father is a vine-grower whose intention is to produce good wine. God the Father plants a vine, that vine is Jesus, Our Lord. That vine, like all grapevines, is composed of roots, stalk, branches, leaves, and ultimately, grapes We are the branches; we have been made a part of this vine through our being born again, which brings us into relationship with Jesus. If we remain in relationship with Christ, we will produce fruit. If our relationship in Christ is healthy as He intends, we will produce grapes abundantly, those grapes will be full of juice. At the right time, those grapes which we produce will be harvested and pressed. Their abundant juice will ferment into good wine which will, as Scripture says of wine, bring joy to the heart – not only our heart - but the hearts of others .So, according to this metaphor, God our Father is the origin of the good wine which is holiness and human perfection. Jesus His Son is the vine which the Father plants. We are the branches which the vine produces by its internal power. Drawing from the vitality of the vine, we branches produce grapes, meaning the good works of virtue, filled with the juice of human accomplishment and perfection. Following our natural inclination as a vine follows its vegetable tendency, we will produce more shoots and leaves than are necessary for a good grape harvest. So the Father will come with his pruning hook or knife and cut away that which He doesn't want, so as to direct our vitality into the clusters of grapes that He does want. This pruning may be frustrating and painful, but it is necessary to make us really productive and not just good to look at. Then comes the harvest, the cutting of the clusters, the pressing of the grapes in a wine press, the collecting of the juice in containers, and then the fermentation into wine, which is what the Divine Vine grower has intended all along. Let us try to remain closely, intimately incorporated into the Vine which is Jesus our Lord, so that He may produce in us what His Father wants, and we may bear the fruit of virtue and become authentic disciples of Our Lord. This is what He intends for us, to be a producer of abundant fruit for the Kingdom.
John 15, v 5b is my Signature signing on my e-mails, "Without Me You Can Do Nothing !" I also have a cluster of grapes on my business cards, these are to remind me that I can do nothing without Him that has any lasting good and I should be producing fruit,(souls) for the Kingdom. I believe that these souls will be the crowns I will cast at Jesus feet on judgement day. Are you a Branch that is secure to the Vine ? Are you producing an abundance of fruit for the Kingdom ?
We can have ALL the riches that this world has to offer, but in the end these will be only fodder for the fire. If you are not securely attached to the Vine I urge you to be a diligent seeker of Jesus, He will help you to become a strong branch that will produce much fruit.
Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has All The Answers !!"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Most Wonderful Vacation

I arrived back home last night about 8 PM, 3500 miles out and back, this was truly the trip of my life. I stopped and toured several National Parks along the way out and came back through Midland/Odessa area. Stopped at the Oil Museum in Midland, this is one of the most impressive museums I have been ever been to. Did not have time to see all of it in detail, but spent a couple of hours there, it was too hot to see all the outside exhibits. Hope to go back one day with my husband. After being in the mountains for most of the week, back home in the humidity seems very hot. Of course spending a week with my son Jason was the highlight of my trip. We went walking on the beach several times and spent a day driving into the Laguna Mountain Range and the Cleveland National Forest. Jason enjoys eating in those out of the ordinary places, New York Deli, a small family owned Greek Restaurant, Seafood Stand with fabulous oysters and of course New York style pizza at a small, but very busy side street place. Best of all these small out of the way places are not as expensive as going to the popular places. I collect magnets as souvenirs and I came back with 14, will need to rearrange my frig. Driving out west is very different than going East, less traffic, especially around the cities as they are not as populated until I got to San Diego, then Jason drove as he knows his way around the city having lived there almost 4 years. So I say to you, if you have not been out West, across far West Texas, into New Mexico and Arizona, go. The scenery of mountains, flat lands and everything in between will let you see the handwork of God. The sunrises and sunsets are spectacular !! I thought except for the freeway, off road in many places it is just like it was when the wagon trains came West years ago. It is hard to imagine how they were able to travel all that way across the land full of rocks and stones, no water for miles upon miles, snakes, and Indians to name just a few of the obstacles in their way. It has given me a greater appreciation for those pioneer men, women, and children that gave up a home in the East to go West and conquer a new land. It has given me a greater appreciation for my home with all of its modern conveniences. So here I am once again refreshed and renewed to continue the call to the ministry God has given me. To bring the Good News to Victims of Domestic Violence that He is a Loving and Faithful God who wants to bring them out and into a life of a Survivor. Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hello From Not So Sunny California

I have come to Ca. to visit my youngest son, I have not seen him for 2 1/2 yrs. The weather has not been as warm as I had hoped for, but it is not raining. In 1998 he was living in NY, I went the first week of May, which is usually a great time to visit.It rained the whole week, the sun came out on our way to the airport. Cool and windy is fine. Today we went to Balboa Park, it is the largest city park in America. The roses are in full bloom, also many of the cactus. I did not know there were so many different kinds of cactus. I have taken 100 pictures since I left home last Friday morning. I took my time and stopped along the way to see some of the historical and natural sights.This is my first visit to far West Texas, Southern New Mexico and Arizona. At my age this will most likely be the only time I attempt to drive it, especially by myself. We have tickets to see a Tennesse William's play tomorrow night, of course at least a half day at the beach. We rode the bus and the trolley around town today, their public transport seems to be very good and used by many. This is a very diverse city of many cultures and lots of history. The time change has me a little off, I have been waking at 4 AM, by the time I get adjusted I will be on my way back, I will lose the 2 hrs. I gained on the way out. This is the longest trip I have taken, but also the easiest, very little traffic, even around the cities. One construction delay in Phoenix and no rain. All the rain has been in Texas while I am gone. I want to thank God and my husband for making it possible for me to make this trip. Spending 2 weeks in Motel rooms and eating out is expensive. I have been saving for 6 months, I will return with only gas to pay for. God is a good God, if I do my part and He always comes through for me. Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has All The Answers !!"

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sorrow Is For The Night, But Joy Comes In The Morning

This is one of those times when I must go by faith. My Granddaughter who was 12 weeks pregnant went for her checkup and there was no heartbeat. My heart aches for her, only those of us who have lost a baby can know how she feels. Even knowing of this for a short time will cause her heartache for losing what should have brought much joy. It is hard not to ask why ? Being a Faith/Word minister this is one of those times I must put actions to my words. Jesus said many times, only those who believe. So for now there is sorrow in my heart for what was to be will not be, another time, another season, this was not to be at this time and season. A large part of our walk with God is how we react in times of crisis, we are all living life and at times it throws us a curve ball or a strike, I maygo down, but I am not out. God always has our best interest on his heart and mind, I need only to believe. You may be reading this and have your own wild pitch to overcome, remember you may be down, but you are not out. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and look to Jesus. My church is having a our annual Women's Conference, what a joy for me to look down the row tonight and see women who were once victims and now are survivors praising and worshipping , The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is times like tonight that makes the time, money, study, and counsel sessions worth it all. God is truly awesome, He takes the broken and shattered pieces of our lives and with the glue of the Holy Spirit puts them together for His Honor and His Glory. I am expecting great testimonies from these changed lives and not until we all meet on the other side will I know how many lives have been touched and changed through my obedience to the call He has placed on my life. What about you, are you answering the call on your life ? Are you telling others how He has changed your life ? If you do not know this Jesus up close and personal, He is but a breathe away. He said Seek, Ask, Receive !! Until next time,'Keep Your Eyes on Jesus, He REALLY does have ALL the answers !!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are You Allowing Fear to Rule ?

It has been too long since I have posted due to several factors, warm weather means more time spent outdoors as I have a large yard and too many flower beds. What seemed like a good idea 11 years ago when we moved here now looks like toooo much work. On to more important things, I want to share with you something that the Holy Spirit has been showing me these past few months. Too many people,Christians as well as the worldly are allowing fear to rule in their lives. Everywhere we turn we are bombarded by doom and gloom. Starting with the media all the way to the White House. I want to share a few things that fear does to us, I am writing to Born Again, Blood Washed Believers.
  1. Fear Distorts Reality: It causes us to lose sight of what is real in our lives, The Word of God
  2. Fear Victimizes : It causes us to feel sorry for ourselves, have pity parties
  3. Fear Puts Stress On The Body: Causes high blood pressure, headaches, body aches
  4. Fear Alienates the Truth of the Word: We begin to question God ?
  5. Fear Mobilizes, Freezes and Cripples: Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually and Mentally
  6. Fear Replaces Faith: Fear and Faith can not and will not operate in the same place
  7. Fear Tells Us We are Failures: We will not see success in our life when ruled by fear
  8. Fear Fills The Heart With Dispare: We lose hope that life will ever be peaceful
  9. Fear Destroys From The Inside Out: Fear steals the joy and blessings of God
  10. Fear Brings Disappointment: We see everything from a negative instead of positive

I pray as you read this you will see if you have allowed fear to come in and steal your joy and peace in the Lord. We are going to face hard times, Jesus said we would, BUT we must place our trust in The Living God who has a future and a hope for each of us, just as he did for Jeremiah. The government does not have our best interests at heart, they will not and can not take care of us. Our only hope of Survival in the coming days is to fall on our knees and pray that Jesus will intercede on our behalf, He looks to the heart and only asked we love Him and are obedient to the guidelines He left us for an Abundant Life in Him. I thank Him daily He is a God of Grace and Mercy and will never leave me. If you are reading this and do not know this man Jesus I speak of, He is but a breath away, waiting on you to call out and repent. Seek, Ask, Receive Today !Until next time,"KEEP YOU EYES ON JESUS !!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This past Sunday I had a wonderful day !! I attended the wedding of my very first client who had been a victim most of her life. She came to me about 7 years ago seeking help from a verbally abusive and controlling husband. I had the priviledge of helping her to seek out Jesus in a real and personal way. She attended one on one counsel and group meetings for several years and then found her calling to the mission field. She is a volunteer at Friendships in Lake Charles,La, where she met the Christian man she had been praying for. They both wanted to be sure this was God, so they have been waiting and seeking His will for the last year. Sunday I saw the harvest of my time of sowing the Word of God into her life. They exchanged vows before God, Family, and Friends in a ceremony which centered around Jesus and their committment to each other. I pray this will be the first of many such celebrations I will be priveledged to witness. Two lives coming together for His Honor and Glory.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Back And Ready To Go

It is amazing what a few days away from the Ministry and sitting under the anointing of the Word does for my spirit. The first week of March there is an awesome Conference at Elim Church in South Houston,Tx. It is for Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries,and Ministers. They come from all over US,S Am,Belize and Africa to name a few places. This was my 4th year to go and I think every year it gets better,the Speakers and the Praise and Worship was so good. I always come away with a new energy for my calling. There is nothing better than to have several hundred people who love God and know Jesus as Personal Savior come together in one accord to Praise and Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My spirit is so full it will take me a couple of days to sort it all out, then I can pass what I learned on to those who God sends across my path. There was a recurring theme throughout the Conference from each Speaker. Do we really know WHO HE is and WHO WE are in HIM ? This is why so many fall by the wayside, they get saved, but never go deeper into the Word to find out all the benefits God has for us here and now. The same Promise He gave Abraham is for us today, He told Abraham it was for those afar off, that is you and me, the believers. So I urge you to get in the Bible and find out what it says for yourself, yes we need Pastors and Teachers, but we also need to seek diligently for the truth of the Word that He wants each of us to apply to our life. It is the revealed truth of the Word that sets us free, if we do not have this Word for ourselves how can we minister it to others ? Second it is not enough to know the Truth, we must then apply it to our daily lives, others will see a difference in us. While the whole world is going crazy over the economy we can say with ALL confidence, "GOD is my source, in Him I will put my Trust !" Till next time,"KEEP your eyes on Jesus, He has ALL the answers !"

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sin, Sorrow, and Sadness

Sin, Sorrow and Sadness -- This would certainly preach ! This has been a rough couple of days. Started out good on Sunday evening I spoke at a local women's group and received a good reception and hopefully some help from them for the ministry. Had only been home a few minutes when the phone rang and the person on the other line said, Pastor --- gave me your number. We just had a call from a close family friend that there had been an incident at her home. I told him to call the Sheriff's office, I called the Advocate on call. When I got the name I knew immediately who the victim was. I had talked to her several times last summer and had encouraged her to seek guidance and come to the group meetings. She declined and said it was better and she would be fine. Well, it is not fine, she was gone for the day and when she returned he had trashed the house,taken furniture, money, car etc. She had no idea he was planning to do so. I talked to her on Monday,she of course was very distraught and seeking legal help. After speaking to her for a few moments I could tell she is still in denial that she has a problem. This is her 3rd abusive relationship. It saddens me that there is help for her and she refuses to except it. I often think, if I had someone like me when I was in the same situation would I have excepted help? Monday AM I had another call from a woman who had called her Pastor and he gave her my number. She has recently recalled a terrible incident from her childhood that involved sexual abuse when she was very young. It has devastated her as the abuser was a relative. As I have had no experience or specialized training in this area I gave her the number of someone who can help her. This AM I had another call from a lady who had visited our local food pantry,the volunteer had a premonition she was in an abusive relationship, she gave her my number. I prayed with her over the phone and helped her put together a safety plan to be used should she decide to leave. In the course of our talk I have reason to believe she may have an alcohol problem. This is a common factor for women to drink to help cope with the abuse, of course this has its own set of problems. Shortly after I finished that call the phone rang again,another woman seeking help, she has left the abuser and realizes she needs help, so I am meeting her in the morning. It is hard to believe in a county of 17,000 people there is so much Domestic/Family abuse.I have logged in over 60 hours this month and have a full day of counsel tomorrow and a group meeting tomorrow night. Do it all over again on Friday. If you are a person of prayer, please pray that God will send someone to help me. He said He would not give us more than we could handle, but sometimes I feel I can not take on another client. The sin of this world seems to be multiplying by leaps and bounds. Domestic Violence causes so much sorrow and brings sadness into the lives of all who come in contact with it. I know there can be LIFE after DV and this is what drives me each and everyday to impart the truth of God's Word into the lives of these women that they will see and hear the truth of His Word and it will surely set them free. I will be at a Ministers Conference in Houston next week, I always come home refreshed, renewed, and ready to keep running the race He has set before me. Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He has ALL the Answers".

Saturday, February 21, 2009

# 10 Grandson

Luke Walker Tope arrived on Wednesday February 18th at 10:35 AM. He joins 2 brothers Will 4 1/2 and John 21 mo. Mom and baby are fine, Dad is recovering, just kidding. My oldest son, Wesley waited until he was in his mid forties to begin his family. Natalie and he are great parents. This makes 10 grandsons and 6 granddaughters for Bobby and I,ranging in age from this newborn to 22. It is hard for me to realize I am the Grandma to 16. Each one is special and has his/her own unique ability to pull on Grandma's heart strings. Grandchildren bring their own special joy into your life, I believe we enjoy them more due to the fact we are not responsible for the day to day work that is needed to bring up a child to be a confident,stable adult who will make his/her parents proud. I would not want to be attempting to bring up a child today,the world is a much different place than when I was a child in the 50's. A time when for the most part we were allowed to be children,yes we had chores etc. that most children do not have today, but we were raised to respect our parents, teachers, and those who were in authoritty over us. I best not be going home with a note of misbehavior at school, if I was in the wrong I knew there would be consquences from my Mom and Dad. I see my teenage grandchildren under so much stress from school and peer pressure that they do not seem to be enjoying this time in their life before they become adults and are on their own. My prayer for our youth today slow down, this should be a good time in your life. Listen to Mom and Dad, they want what is best for you, allow God to become an important part of your life and He will lead you to a life of Love, Joy and Peace. Lord let me be a positive influence in the life of my Grandchildren, may I live to see each of them come to know you in a personal way as Lord and Savior of their life. I had 2 Godly Grandma's who prayed for me through my years of rebellion. I believe their prayers have been answered and one day when we all meet again I will say Thank You Grandma!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

19 years and Counting (Everyone said it would not last)

Twice in the same day !! I forgot to share one really important thing with you bloggers. Today is my 19th Wedding Anniversary, you asked,"Why is that such a big deal?" Ok, I will tell you. Bobby and I had each been married several times, so the chances of our making a success at a relationship was about 5%. It has not been easy,blending our families together,putting aside the mistakes of the past and dealing with ex spouses. It has been worth the time and effort, today we are Survivors in an area that we had so badly failed. We both had to learn to love each other through the good and the bad. To look to God for our strength and realize we can not do it alone. It was hard to understand and realize that it is very unfair and selfish to expect your partner to make and keep you happy all the time.So here we are today after many failures proud to say, 'WE beat the odds and we made it!" So as I sit here at my kitchen I am so thankful that God has taught me that," IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT ME !" PS We are on Grandbaby watch for the 16th time. Please pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby.

Where Does The Time GO ??

Can not believe that 12 days have passed since I logged on. When I was a little girl I was always wishing time would go faster, you know at Christmas or my Birthday. Could not wait to be 10 a big girl, a teenager, then 21. My Grandma used to say," Girl you wish your life away, the older you get the faster it goes." Well, now I know what Grandma was talking about, believe me from 50 on seems like a snap of the fingers and I am almost 66. Just caught myself today thinking I will be glad when next Wednesday gets here and I get the other cataract removed. It is very hard to thread a needle with one good and one not so good eye. I have 3 different projects started at the present, cutting blocks for a knotted comforter for one of the boys, a Crosstitch wall hanging for a grandchild and a small pres tamped wall hanging that needs hand quilted which I am going to keep for myself. WHY do I start so many at the same time. Then I am also reading a Christian fiction novel and studying the Boundaries book for Support Group. There are now 2 SG's, I started a new group last Thursday evening with 3 ladies, at least I can go back and dig out the Bible studies that I have finished with SG 1. Good News !! I have upcoming speaking engagements on the calendar with 2 of my target churches for support in 2009 for my Domestic Violence Program. The last time I spoke 2 ladies came up after the meeting and asked about the group meeting, they were no longer in a DV relationship, but after listening to me they realized they had unresolved issues. This prompted me to offer another group meeting as I feel the other group has a firm foundation towards becoming Survivor's. We also are already into the 3rd chapter of the Boundaries book which is intense and I felt not a good time to add new members.I just finished an article for the local papers in my area with testimonies of several of the women who have been in the group long enough to say they are no longer Victims, but now are Survivors. It amazes me that God chose me, someone with a not so pleasant past, with lots of wrong turns and foolish choices to help these women begin a new life. He truly is a loving and a forgiving God, it has been much harder for me to forgive myself for the pain and hurt that I inflicted on my children, because of my wayward life. So if you are out there reading this and you have a checkered past just ask forgiveness, He stand at the door of your heart waiting for you to open the door and invite him in. God is so GOOD and He has surely been GOOD to me. I am adding the testimonies of the SG women to this posting believing they will encourage you to know that God looks at the heart and He sees our desire to have a lifestyle that is a wittiness to His power and glory. Survivor # 1  The biggest effect on my life has been that I have friends who hold me accountable to make changes in my life. Sometimes those changes aren't comfortable and sometimes they bring up issues from the past you have to deal with. What I like about the group is that we lift each other up. I've seen women come who are feeling so bad about themselves and after some time they become very positive and have set goals for themselves (something they probably had not done before). I know I can share my problems, that other people have been there. We look to God for solutions in His word. His Word is always the best place to get advice. Sometimes our problems have nothing to do with domestic violence but to other issues such as bad health. You know when you are part of this group that people are always concerned about how you are and lift you up. It's very important to me! Survivor # 2 I am 37 years old and have been married for 3 and a half years. As like my other relationships there were problems. At some point, I think you have to start looking at yourself instead of thinking the problem is all your spouse's. In 2007, I saw an ad in the paper about a support group that was faith based, I made a call and met the most amazing lady ever, Norma Threet. I met and started going to group meetings. My marriage was falling apart. I wanted to do everything I could to keep us together. I wanted to be the wife that God wanted me to be. I also met one on one with Norma and my marriage is 100 percent better. My life has changed because I made a choice to make changes. I have grown in the word of God through the guidance Norma gave me. I have learned to look at situations in a different way, which has made me and my spouse grow closer, we now pray together. Prayer is powerful! I thank you Norma and all the ladies in the group for all of the support. I have now moved to another state and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you all. I can still at anytime call Norma and she is there to guide me and pray with me. I will never be able to thank Norma enough for helping me to make a better life for myself and my family. Always be open-minded and be willing to accept what God has in or you. Survivor # 3 I came to Texas in 2007 and went to the Lord's Pantry and asked if they new anyone that dealt with domestic violence. I was given Norma Threet's number.and the rest is history. She has been a support for me through it all. I could reach her any time day or night. Even if I didn't reach her and didn't leave a voice mail she would call me back. She has been like a mother to me, she is straight forward and honest. She knows most of the laws and what she doesn't know she has the resources through the Domestic Violence Program to find out. Coming from such a dysfunctional background it was nice having someone that had been through something similar to me. Someone to talk to who understood. Norma doesn't sugar coat anything, if your willing to work at change, she will be there every step of the way. I don't know what I would have done without the Support Group and Norma Threet. Survivor # 4 Why does anyone stay in an abusive relationship? I can only speak from my own experience. I didn't know. I had the right to say “NO” and mean it. I didn't know that demeaning statements about and to me was abuse and would also affect my children. I didn't know I could separate myself from his lifestyle and associate with my own family, not always with his family. This kind of abuse happens to men as well as to women. These are sure signs of immaturity. I was raised in a religious home in an age where “children were seen and not heard.” No TV, no movies, no dances, no jeans, and no boys. It was taboo to speak of sex and worldly things. Children in our family were rightly taught to remain pure until married. Because I rebelled as a teenager and didn’t listen, I thought the right thing to do was to marry. It wasn’t, our LORD is a forgiving God. The Creator made us in his likeness that we might have freedom of choice to live in His purpose. My husband never hit me, but his disrespect in words and actions that hurt just as bad and as long as a hit with his fist,only inwards. It took years of anger and many painful separations for our family before I could get help. Abuse hurts the whole family, especially the children. It was with the support and encouragement of support group meetings,we finally found a way to “meet in the middle” and respect each other. Sometimes, it takes a third party to intercede through prayer to find God’s purpose for our lives. We appreciate the Leon County Domestic Violence Advocates prayers and help to find God’s plan for our lives. Truth is, a person can claim to be Christian all their life; do everything possible to live in his Will, but still be away from His purpose for their lives. Don’t be dismayed, prayer changes things,there is help available. God’s Word says:Bear one another’s burdens,and so fulfill the law of Christ. Survivor # 5 I made many wrong choices throughout my life, including choosing the wrong partner. I ended up in a verbal, mental, and emotionally abusive relationship. My wrong thinking and bad self esteem had me convinced that all our "problems" were my fault. I suffered and so did my children. Only after attending the LCDVA support group did I see things differently. Because the focus is on the Lord and how He sees you, my life has changed, but it was a process. I no longer live in fear and intimidation. The Lord did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. I am no longer a victim and learned that having a "victim mentality" can keep you in that role throughout your life. God has made us more than conquerors. The support group is just that; support during times of doubt and knowing that you're not the only one. There are people that have been there and understand. It was and still is nice to know there's a place of comfort and counsel especially from a Biblical perspective.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Wisdom God Gives Man

I am so amazed at the knowledge God has given man to help us have an abundant life. Not too many years ago one with cataracts may have lost their sight,the operation was a complicated procedure, requiring a hospital stay. The operation took about 10 minutes, I was awake and had no pain, not even any bruising. Here I sit one eye fixed and the other not, BUT I am only wearing glasses for small print. The surgery was so simple, I could have had both eyes done at the same time. So if you or someone you know may be considering this type of surgery, I encourage you to find a Doctor that comes highly recommended and go for it. I had the Crystalens implanted, which has an 85% chance of no longer needing glasses, I am really praying this will be so as it cost 2500.00 per eye and my husband was not real enthused of spending the extra ,insurance will not cover this type lens. I have only needed glasses for the past 10-12 years for reading and close work, last year due to the clouding caused by the cataract I began to wear bifocals and I really want to rid myself of the glasses, he has worn glasses all his adult life, so I understand his point of view, but being the kind and loving man he is, he said ,"Ok". Those of you who know him, know how he is rough on the edges, but has a tender heart. Sometimes to the extent he allows people to take advantage of his kind spirit.
Now for how I spent the rest of my week !!
The counsel sessions with the 3 new ladies went very well, I have 2 more new clients on Monday
then on Thursday evening I will start Support Group # 2. Continue to remember me in prayer as I begin with this new group , it takes a little time to get settled in, have them begin to trust me and each other. For the first time it looks like I will have 3 young women in their 20's, I am very excited as it has been very difficult to minister to the younger women. They often feel like it is all the abusers fault and they only want to move on without him, they do not understand that most likely they will just move on to another abuser often worse than what they left behind.
The sad part is if their are children involved they drag them along also. It is my prayer this will be the start of a new life for these 3 young women, they will grow in the Lord to become a witness to their peers of the power of "The Living God " in their life. The purpose of the group is to learn how to apply Bible principles to her daily life, which in turn will teach her how to make choices .This will enable help her become the Christian woman God intends for the her to be. To have the abundant life that John 10 v 10 tells us we can have, to have the fruits of the Holy Spirit working in our life. A life of Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Kindness, Goodness, Mercy and Self Control. These only come from a personal relationship with Jesus, learning WHO HE is and WHO YOU are in HIM. This is what He wants for all of us, not just those who find themselves in
unpleasant situations. So seek Him with your whole heart and He will be found. He stand at the door of your heart, you must open the door and let Him in.
Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blessed Beyond Measure

It is hard to believe there is only a week left in January, I have been soooo busy. Have been gone 5 of the last 7 nights. Had another opportunity to speak to a group of women on the Domestic Violence Ministry I am involved in. It is always such a blessing when there are women at the meeting who have been or are in a DV situation and I am able to minister a Word of Truth into their spirit. I have met with a new client this week and have 2 appointments on Monday with new ladies. Looks like I will be starting another group meeting this year. I have had the Support Group for almost 7 years and have 8 ladies who for the most part are faithful to the group, as I stated in a previous post we have started a new study book. I do not see how I can take more into this group, as they have been together for some time and are on their way to becoming survivors, moving onward and upward with Jesus. So, I have decided to start a new group, of course this means I will be gone every Thursday evening. More time spent to study and prepare for the group, on the upside I can dig out past lessons and study plans I have used before. If you are a person of prayer I ask you remember me in prayer as I add to the ministry, God said He will equip those He calls. I am having cataract surgery on Wed of this week and will follow with the second eye in 3 weeks, I am having the crystal lens implanted and believing I will no longer need glasses. It is so awesome the wisdom God gives to make our lives better, especially in the area of health. Tomorrow is Sunday and I have the priviledge of living in a country where I can attend the Church of my choice and worship The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is my sincere hope that each of you will do the same. Till next time, "Keep Your EyesOn Jesus".