I have spent much of the last week in prayer, there is a young man , (15) in our area who was badly injured in a vehicle accident a week ago. He has been in critical condition, much damage to his internal body and severe damage to his head, that has caused trauma to his brain. This has brought our community together in prayer. Everywhere I go people are asking about how is Jacob doing ? I believe every church in town has him on their prayer chain. Praying intensely for this young man has strengthened my faith as we get updates several times a day, It has prompted me to ask, how do those who do not know Jesus and have a relationship with Him
make it through a time such as this. Jacob's Mom has strong faith, can not even imagine how hard this must be for her, to stand strong and firm on the Word believing that God is in control, what the enemy intended for harm will give Glory and Honor to God. here in Buffalo,Tx. we are standing on the Word of God that Jacob will live and not die. I have a large immediate and extended family, there is always someone or something to pray about. I thank God that when there is a problem, trial, or test my loved ones call on me to pray. Through the years we have seen many answered prayers, there have been times that prayer was not answered in the way we would have liked, but we must believe that in those instances God is in control and has only what is best for us on His mind, in spite of what we may see with the natural eye or hear with the natural ear. He is a God of the Supernatural , His wonders to perform, He takes the IM out of impossible and makes thing possible. If you do not know Jesus as your Savior, you have only to ask and believe, then seek Him dilgently and make Him Lord of your life.
Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes on Jesus" !!
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