Want to take time to wish all my Blogger and Face Book friends a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving !
Will take time to do so now as I have Counsel sessions tomorrow and baking on Wednesday. Urging each one of you to take a few moments and thank God for His many blessings, health, prosperity, and family. We will be travelling 100 miles to spend the day with children and grandchildren. I also want to copy some from a posting from Life For Jesus Ministry
I thought this was very good and want to share with you.
What is the one thing that everybody needs, seeks and long for? Is it not to feel save, secure and loved? You were made with the driving passion to love and to be loved, but it does not stop there!! You are made with a longing for something or someone, even when you meet that special person you are still unsatisfied with what you have. There is a inner search to please someone, and let me tell you that person is God….Yes I tell you the truth today and its so sad that so many people never get the chance to experience that total feeling of being loved. People walk around with the idea in there heads that they are made to eat, sleep, have jobs and house and make friends, is that what you think? Is that what you think your purpose on this earth is? If your answer is yes then I think you need to learn the truth today…. There is such great love and sense of security if you come to understand and know God. No I’m not just another person trying to convince you that God is the way the truth and the light, I’m telling you. Without God we are nothing, just some specks walking around on this planet. People so often turn to people for happiness and rely on a person to heal them or take the hurt away from childhood or a previous broken relationship, an abusive father or mother or it can be that you were teased at school. What ever the reason, why do we turn to people for comfort and security? God is the only One that will never hurt you or abandon you, He will never shout at you or say hurtful things to you, He will never send you away if you need love and comfort, so why not turn to Him? Is He not the Giver of life? Is He not the One that loves you more than anyone? Is He not the One that puts you first and have your name writhen in the palm of His hand? Isa 49:16 Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me. God loves and understands you, He knows everything about you. Your weaknesses and your strengths, what you like and dislike. Nothing about you is new to Him, but yet He still loves you. He does not ask or expect of you to be perfect, He wants you to be loved. If you don’t have God in your life, I want to tell you that to make that decision will be the best one you will ever make. God has an appointment with you and is waiting for you to let Him in. Look around you, do you see all the splendour, His creation and love. All the wonderful things that He has made? God cares much more for you than things on this earth, you are His child. I ask that you look past the things of the world and all that is going on, I’m asking you to look at God and His beauty. All you need to do is trust in Him and turn to Him. I truly hope that you make God apart of your life and see how satisfying it is to walk with Him, no matter what happens in your life. God is truly the only One that can give you 100% security, love and the feeling of being save. Our God is a awesome God and I love him My prayer for you: My wonderful Father and Friend, I thank You for the opportunity to tell this people about Your greatness and love. God You are truly the Way and the Light. I ask that You will please reveal Yourself to these people and let them experience Your love. God thank You that we can know for certain that You love us and will always be there for us. Father God You are awesome and there will never be anyone like You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ and I thank You. Amen
Have a blessed week, All my love,
Life for Jesus Ministries
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