Sorry I have been gone so long, spent 5 weeks away from home with family and friends.
Had 2 mini vacations inside the 5 weeks. Left Buffalo daylight Aug. 8th and arrived at my Mom's in Ohio the afternoon of the 9th, 1228 miles. Spent Monday and Tuesday with my best friend, Sue. We have been friends for over 43 years. On Wednesday Mom and I drove to Columbus, spent the night with my sister,Mary, next morning the 3 of us started out for Kansas City,Mo. We spent the night and part of the next day touring the Arches and the Catherdral Bascilla. We then traveled onto KC, I stayed my first time ever in a 5 star hotel on the Plaza, I was not too impressed. Seems like they charge extra for everything from parking to WiFi. There were lots of people out strolling the streets, so Mary and I got Mom settled in the room after dinner and we went out to see what was going on. stopped at an Open House where the photographer, Thomas D. Mangelson had a showing of his work. I have seen him on TLC and Discovery. I purchased 2 small prints which he signed. The reason for our trip came on Saturday, my Nephew John's wedding. It was a small family affair, simple but very nice. John has 2 Daughters and Mary has a Son. They were flower girls and ring bearer. The minister made it special by having them blend different colored sand in a vase representing the blending of a new family. The reception was at the home of the couple who introduced them 2 years ago. We had the opportunity to meet Mary's parents and a couple of her siblings. We left early Sunday and drove straight through to Columbus, another 1300 miles. Forgive me, some of this was told in the previous post.
By now it is August 17th and the Holmes County Fair is in full swing, I have moved to my sister Kathy's home. Went to the fair everyday, this is a BIG event where I come from. My son ,Wesley and his family visited us on Tuesday and Wednesday. He has 3 boys, Will,John and Luke. This was my first time to see Luke. we spent Wednesday at the fair. Will loves the fair and he like ALL the rides, John is only 2 and not as enthused as his brother. It was a short visit, but I cherished every minute. We went to visit my Dad, who is at an Assisted Living Home. I went to the rodeo, thought that was funny going to Ohio to see a rodeo when I live in the rodeo state of Texas, I always enjoy the clowns. Saturday I visited my Nephew, Darin and his family. I had not seen him in many years, we have touched base on FB. He has a lovely wife and 3 boys, he is a youth minister at his church and is helping start a new church in Holmes County. Darin's Grandma Opal Runnion was a big influence in my life, she explained to me the difference between religion and a personal relationship with Jesus. I am so glad we had the opportunity to share what Jesus is doing in our lives, I know Grandma Runnion is proud of both of us. Saturday night was the Demolition Derby at the fair, lots of noise, smell, and smoke, there was a packed crowd with many standing. This fair is a Jr 4-H event, so there are sales of the livestock, my sister and brother-in-law always buy animals for slaughter at the fair and this year was no different, they purchased 4 hogs, donating one to their local food pantry and a steer, I helped her transport the meat from the processing plant to her house. We filled 2 big freezers, both of her frig freezers and still had meat left over, which she shared with the employees at their business. They are such giving people and God keeps blessing them in order for them to be a blessing They are both a true example of the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping !! I always take a large cooler and bring pork and beef home, it is so much better than what we buy at the store. The Monday after the fair we made a trip to Brewster, Ohio to The Dolly Madison tea room, this was our first visit there. We had a party of 10 ladies and girls, the waitress was in period costume, we had what they described as a High Tea. There were so many different kinds of tea it was hard to choose. We stopped at Mrs Shearers Chip Factory on the way out of town, I believe they have the best Kettle cooked chips., they sell first and seconds in large bags, of course I stocked up. I put them in the freezer when I get home. This brings me up to Tuesday the 25th of August, I need to start packing for the Sister's trip to Vegas, which I will tell you about the next posting. I want to thank God first for providing the funds to take a second vacation this year, having been gone 2 weeks in the spring on my Ca. trip. I thank my husband, Bobby, there are not many men who would be willing to continue to work at his age,(69) to enable me to travel. He does not care to go but is good about me going, being gone for weeks at a time while he stays home by himself. He has just retired for the 3rd time, so my trips may be fewer. I thank God for giving me good health and a sound mind to drive thousands of miles by myself, I have driven over 7000 miles this year, time to shop for a new car ! I will sign off for now, hope I have not bored you too much, but many have asked about the trip and it is easier to post here than to try and tell it over and over. If you like you can check my FB site, Norma Runnion Threet for photos of my trip. Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"
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