Luke Walker Tope arrived on Wednesday February 18th at 10:35 AM. He joins 2 brothers
Will 4 1/2 and John 21 mo. Mom and baby are fine, Dad is recovering, just kidding.
My oldest son, Wesley waited until he was in his mid forties to begin his family. Natalie and he are great parents. This makes 10 grandsons and 6 granddaughters for Bobby and I,ranging in age from this newborn to 22. It is hard for me to realize I am the Grandma to 16. Each one is special and has his/her own unique ability to pull on Grandma's heart strings. Grandchildren bring their own special joy into your life, I believe we enjoy them more due to the fact we are not responsible for the day to day work that is needed to bring up a child to be a confident,stable adult who will make his/her parents proud. I would not want to be attempting to bring up a child today,the world is a much different place than when I was a child in the 50's.
A time when for the most part we were allowed to be children,yes we had chores etc.
that most children do not have today, but we were raised to respect our parents, teachers, and those who were in authoritty over us. I best not be going home with a note of misbehavior at school, if I was in the wrong I knew there would be consquences from my Mom and Dad. I see my teenage grandchildren under so much stress from school and peer pressure that they do not seem to be enjoying this time in their life before they become adults and are on their own. My prayer for our youth today slow down, this should be a good time in your life. Listen to Mom and Dad, they want what is best for you, allow God to become an important part of your life and He will lead you to a life of Love, Joy and Peace. Lord let me be a positive influence in the life of my Grandchildren, may I live to see each of them come to know you in a personal way as Lord and Savior of their life. I had 2 Godly Grandma's
who prayed for me through my years of rebellion. I believe their prayers have been answered and one day when we all meet again I will say Thank You Grandma!
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