This is one of those times when I must go by faith. My Granddaughter who was 12 weeks pregnant went for her checkup and there was no heartbeat. My heart aches for her, only those of us who have lost a baby can know how she feels. Even knowing of this for a short time will cause her heartache for losing what should have brought much joy. It is hard not to ask why ?
Being a Faith/Word minister this is one of those times I must put actions to my words. Jesus said many times, only those who believe. So for now there is sorrow in my heart for what was to be will not be, another time, another season, this was not to be at this time and season.
A large part of our walk with God is how we react in times of crisis, we are all living life and at times it throws us a curve ball or a strike, I maygo down, but I am not out. God always has our best interest on his heart and mind, I need only to believe. You may be reading this and have your own wild pitch to overcome, remember you may be down, but you are not out. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and look to Jesus.
My church is having a our annual Women's Conference, what a joy for me to look down the row tonight and see women who were once victims and now are survivors praising and worshipping , The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is times like tonight that makes the time, money, study, and counsel sessions worth it all. God is truly awesome, He takes the broken and shattered pieces of our lives and with the glue of the Holy Spirit puts them together for His Honor and His Glory. I am expecting great testimonies from these changed lives and not until we all meet on the other side will I know how many lives have been touched and changed through my obedience to the call He has placed on my life. What about you, are you answering the call on your life ? Are you telling others how He has changed your life ? If you do not know this Jesus up close and personal, He is but a breathe away. He said Seek, Ask, Receive !!
Until next time,'Keep Your Eyes on Jesus, He REALLY does have ALL the answers !!
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