Wednesday, January 14, 2009

4 Simple Thoughts For The New Year

I have been very busy with my ministry and have neglected to post for over a week. I often have to stop and regroup and remember the Minister, to spend some time with Jesus, who gave me the ministry. It is easy to get caught up in helping others and neglect my time for reading the Word, to Mediate on the Word and Prayer. The Group meeting went well on Thursday and we began our study of "Boundaries, When To Say Yes, When To Say No." This is very important for victims who are attempting to get their life into some sort of "normal". Setting boundaries in life is good for everyone, especially women as we tend to want to DO it all and try and fix everything in our family. This makes for a stress filled life and leaves little time for ourselves, let alone God. I must cut this short as this is Church night and I am Greeter at the front door. So I will leave you with 4 thoughts I received in an email powerpoint. If I were to make a New Years resolution, I would attempt to put these into practice. In fact I think I will give it a try! Here they are, see if you think these are attributes you would like to embrace in 2009. I am going to begin today to apply these to my thoughts, actions, and speech. Why don"t you give it a try ? 1. Live Simply 2. Love Generously 3. Care Deeply 4. Speak Kindly Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has All The Answers".

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