Today is the first day of a New Year, I learned long ago not to make resolutions I would not keep, that way I am not disappointed in myself. The Holidays are past and I can get on with what I do best, what God has called me to. Helping Victims of Domestic Violence put their lives on the path God has for them. To help put their marriage in line with the Word, IF they have a willing partner. To take take the broken dreams and visions of the past and help them through the Word be set free. I am excited as I begin my 7th year of counsel, guidance and having a Support Group for Victims. We will begin, "Boundaries, When to Say Yes, When To Say No", by Cloud and Townsend. I have talked to several women who have had positive changes in their life from studying and applying the principles of this book to their life. This also keeps me moving onward and upward in the Word, as I must also study and apply these principles to my life. I have learned in my Christian walk that if I am not pressing in, I am most likely standing still or worse yet moving backwards. So for all of you this is a good time to examine your walk with God.
Are you closer to Him this New Year than last ? Are you seeking His perfect will for your life?
Are you saying, "Here I am Lord, use me ? " Are you adding to the Kingdom through your witness ? These are hard questions, and harder yet to be honest with ourselves !! Maybe you are like I once was and say, "Not now Lord, I am too busy! You know Lord my job, the kids, my husband, they all demand so much from me. I will next year." Soon years go by and next year never comes. I regret all the years I pushed aside the gentle nudging of The Holy Spirit, how many times I did not make that call, did notstop and pray for that name that came into my mind and Spirit. God found someone else who was willing and I lost the priviledge of being used to advance The Kingdom for His Honor and His Glory. It is not too late, He is waiting for you to say, "Here I am Lord, Use Me !"
they all demand so much of my time
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