Tami was here Saturday night and we went to church together today. Tami has an awesome story of the Grace, Mercy, and Power of the God we serve. Tami was my very first Domestic Violence victim, she had attempted suicide and failed. God was not finished with her,through a series of events she became not only the first success story for our program, but she is now like a spiritual daughter and we have moved beyond a counselor/client relationship. Tami spent several years learning who God is and who she is in Him, getting the Word on the inside of her and learning how to apply that Word to the trials and tests of life. At one time she was told ,"You are Bi-Polar and will always need medication." That Dr. was unaware of The Power of a Living God. Tami has been med free for 4 years and is completing her 2nd year on the mission field. She is a new person in Christ, old things have truly passed away in her life and God has replaced her Fear, Doubt, and Low Self Esteem with His Love, Joy, and Peace. She radiates the Love of God, He has made her a New Creation for His Honor and Glory. Words can not express the emotion I felt today, when she stood in front of our Church Family and shared her experiences on the mission field. She has been to Nevis, recently returned to her home base from working with clean up crews in Galveston and she will be going to Hati in late Spring. I thank God He allowed me to help lead her from a life of a victim of Domestic Violence and mental illness to a life of a Survivor, she is now making a difference in the life of others. This is why He draws us to Salvation through His love, for each of us in turn to share with others what He has done in our lives. Are you sharing what God has done for you or do you keep it to yourself ? Are you making a difference in the lives of others OR are you just taking up a seat at church. Step out, there are so many who do not know who He is and need Someone to tell them. Let that Someone be You !!
1 comment:
Hi, just found your blog. Your love for the Lord and the lost is obvious at just a little glance.
Blessings to you in Jesus :)
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