Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Wisdom God Gives Man

I am so amazed at the knowledge God has given man to help us have an abundant life. Not too many years ago one with cataracts may have lost their sight,the operation was a complicated procedure, requiring a hospital stay. The operation took about 10 minutes, I was awake and had no pain, not even any bruising. Here I sit one eye fixed and the other not, BUT I am only wearing glasses for small print. The surgery was so simple, I could have had both eyes done at the same time. So if you or someone you know may be considering this type of surgery, I encourage you to find a Doctor that comes highly recommended and go for it. I had the Crystalens implanted, which has an 85% chance of no longer needing glasses, I am really praying this will be so as it cost 2500.00 per eye and my husband was not real enthused of spending the extra ,insurance will not cover this type lens. I have only needed glasses for the past 10-12 years for reading and close work, last year due to the clouding caused by the cataract I began to wear bifocals and I really want to rid myself of the glasses, he has worn glasses all his adult life, so I understand his point of view, but being the kind and loving man he is, he said ,"Ok". Those of you who know him, know how he is rough on the edges, but has a tender heart. Sometimes to the extent he allows people to take advantage of his kind spirit.
Now for how I spent the rest of my week !!
The counsel sessions with the 3 new ladies went very well, I have 2 more new clients on Monday
then on Thursday evening I will start Support Group # 2. Continue to remember me in prayer as I begin with this new group , it takes a little time to get settled in, have them begin to trust me and each other. For the first time it looks like I will have 3 young women in their 20's, I am very excited as it has been very difficult to minister to the younger women. They often feel like it is all the abusers fault and they only want to move on without him, they do not understand that most likely they will just move on to another abuser often worse than what they left behind.
The sad part is if their are children involved they drag them along also. It is my prayer this will be the start of a new life for these 3 young women, they will grow in the Lord to become a witness to their peers of the power of "The Living God " in their life. The purpose of the group is to learn how to apply Bible principles to her daily life, which in turn will teach her how to make choices .This will enable help her become the Christian woman God intends for the her to be. To have the abundant life that John 10 v 10 tells us we can have, to have the fruits of the Holy Spirit working in our life. A life of Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Kindness, Goodness, Mercy and Self Control. These only come from a personal relationship with Jesus, learning WHO HE is and WHO YOU are in HIM. This is what He wants for all of us, not just those who find themselves in
unpleasant situations. So seek Him with your whole heart and He will be found. He stand at the door of your heart, you must open the door and let Him in.
Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blessed Beyond Measure

It is hard to believe there is only a week left in January, I have been soooo busy. Have been gone 5 of the last 7 nights. Had another opportunity to speak to a group of women on the Domestic Violence Ministry I am involved in. It is always such a blessing when there are women at the meeting who have been or are in a DV situation and I am able to minister a Word of Truth into their spirit. I have met with a new client this week and have 2 appointments on Monday with new ladies. Looks like I will be starting another group meeting this year. I have had the Support Group for almost 7 years and have 8 ladies who for the most part are faithful to the group, as I stated in a previous post we have started a new study book. I do not see how I can take more into this group, as they have been together for some time and are on their way to becoming survivors, moving onward and upward with Jesus. So, I have decided to start a new group, of course this means I will be gone every Thursday evening. More time spent to study and prepare for the group, on the upside I can dig out past lessons and study plans I have used before. If you are a person of prayer I ask you remember me in prayer as I add to the ministry, God said He will equip those He calls. I am having cataract surgery on Wed of this week and will follow with the second eye in 3 weeks, I am having the crystal lens implanted and believing I will no longer need glasses. It is so awesome the wisdom God gives to make our lives better, especially in the area of health. Tomorrow is Sunday and I have the priviledge of living in a country where I can attend the Church of my choice and worship The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is my sincere hope that each of you will do the same. Till next time, "Keep Your EyesOn Jesus".

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

4 Simple Thoughts For The New Year

I have been very busy with my ministry and have neglected to post for over a week. I often have to stop and regroup and remember the Minister, to spend some time with Jesus, who gave me the ministry. It is easy to get caught up in helping others and neglect my time for reading the Word, to Mediate on the Word and Prayer. The Group meeting went well on Thursday and we began our study of "Boundaries, When To Say Yes, When To Say No." This is very important for victims who are attempting to get their life into some sort of "normal". Setting boundaries in life is good for everyone, especially women as we tend to want to DO it all and try and fix everything in our family. This makes for a stress filled life and leaves little time for ourselves, let alone God. I must cut this short as this is Church night and I am Greeter at the front door. So I will leave you with 4 thoughts I received in an email powerpoint. If I were to make a New Years resolution, I would attempt to put these into practice. In fact I think I will give it a try! Here they are, see if you think these are attributes you would like to embrace in 2009. I am going to begin today to apply these to my thoughts, actions, and speech. Why don"t you give it a try ? 1. Live Simply 2. Love Generously 3. Care Deeply 4. Speak Kindly Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has All The Answers".

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Life Changed by the Power of God

This Butterfly represents New Life !! We were all one time wrapped in a cocoon of sin. Jesus came to set us Free !! The TRUTH of His Word has the POWER remove that cocoon of sin.
Tami was here Saturday night and we went to church together today. Tami has an awesome story of the Grace, Mercy, and Power of the God we serve. Tami was my very first Domestic Violence victim, she had attempted suicide and failed. God was not finished with her,through a series of events she became not only the first success story for our program, but she is now like a spiritual daughter and we have moved beyond a counselor/client relationship. Tami spent several years learning who God is and who she is in Him, getting the Word on the inside of her and learning how to apply that Word to the trials and tests of life. At one time she was told ,"You are Bi-Polar and will always need medication." That Dr. was unaware of The Power of a Living God. Tami has been med free for 4 years and is completing her 2nd year on the mission field. She is a new person in Christ, old things have truly passed away in her life and God has replaced her Fear, Doubt, and Low Self Esteem with His Love, Joy, and Peace. She radiates the Love of God, He has made her a New Creation for His Honor and Glory. Words can not express the emotion I felt today, when she stood in front of our Church Family and shared her experiences on the mission field. She has been to Nevis, recently returned to her home base from working with clean up crews in Galveston and she will be going to Hati in late Spring. I thank God He allowed me to help lead her from a life of a victim of Domestic Violence and mental illness to a life of a Survivor, she is now making a difference in the life of others. This is why He draws us to Salvation through His love, for each of us in turn to share with others what He has done in our lives. Are you sharing what God has done for you or do you keep it to yourself ? Are you making a difference in the lives of others OR are you just taking up a seat at church. Step out, there are so many who do not know who He is and need Someone to tell them. Let that Someone be You !!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Start The New Year -- Running The Race

Today is the first day of a New Year, I learned long ago not to make resolutions I would not keep, that way I am not disappointed in myself. The Holidays are past and I can get on with what I do best, what God has called me to. Helping Victims of Domestic Violence put their lives on the path God has for them. To help put their marriage in line with the Word, IF they have a willing partner. To take take the broken dreams and visions of the past and help them through the Word be set free. I am excited as I begin my 7th year of counsel, guidance and having a Support Group for Victims. We will begin, "Boundaries, When to Say Yes, When To Say No", by Cloud and Townsend. I have talked to several women who have had positive changes in their life from studying and applying the principles of this book to their life. This also keeps me moving onward and upward in the Word, as I must also study and apply these principles to my life. I have learned in my Christian walk that if I am not pressing in, I am most likely standing still or worse yet moving backwards. So for all of you this is a good time to examine your walk with God.
Are you closer to Him this New Year than last ? Are you seeking His perfect will for your life?
Are you saying, "Here I am Lord, use me ? " Are you adding to the Kingdom through your witness ? These are hard questions, and harder yet to be honest with ourselves !! Maybe you are like I once was and say, "Not now Lord, I am too busy! You know Lord my job, the kids, my husband, they all demand so much from me. I will next year." Soon years go by and next year never comes. I regret all the years I pushed aside the gentle nudging of The Holy Spirit, how many times I did not make that call, did notstop and pray for that name that came into my mind and Spirit. God found someone else who was willing and I lost the priviledge of being used to advance The Kingdom for His Honor and His Glory. It is not too late, He is waiting for you to say, "Here I am Lord, Use Me !"
they all demand so much of my time