I am so amazed at the knowledge God has given man to help us have an abundant life. Not too many years ago one with cataracts may have lost their sight,the operation was a complicated procedure, requiring a hospital stay. The operation took about 10 minutes, I was awake and had no pain, not even any bruising. Here I sit one eye fixed and the other not, BUT I am only wearing glasses for small print. The surgery was so simple, I could have had both eyes done at the same time. So if you or someone you know may be considering this type of surgery, I encourage you to find a Doctor that comes highly recommended and go for it. I had the Crystalens implanted, which has an 85% chance of no longer needing glasses, I am really praying this will be so as it cost 2500.00 per eye and my husband was not real enthused of spending the extra ,insurance will not cover this type lens. I have only needed glasses for the past 10-12 years for reading and close work, last year due to the clouding caused by the cataract I began to wear bifocals and I really want to rid myself of the glasses, he has worn glasses all his adult life, so I understand his point of view, but being the kind and loving man he is, he said ,"Ok". Those of you who know him, know how he is rough on the edges, but has a tender heart. Sometimes to the extent he allows people to take advantage of his kind spirit.
Now for how I spent the rest of my week !!
The counsel sessions with the 3 new ladies went very well, I have 2 more new clients on Monday
then on Thursday evening I will start Support Group # 2. Continue to remember me in prayer as I begin with this new group , it takes a little time to get settled in, have them begin to trust me and each other. For the first time it looks like I will have 3 young women in their 20's, I am very excited as it has been very difficult to minister to the younger women. They often feel like it is all the abusers fault and they only want to move on without him, they do not understand that most likely they will just move on to another abuser often worse than what they left behind.
The sad part is if their are children involved they drag them along also. It is my prayer this will be the start of a new life for these 3 young women, they will grow in the Lord to become a witness to their peers of the power of "The Living God " in their life. The purpose of the group is to learn how to apply Bible principles to her daily life, which in turn will teach her how to make choices .This will enable help her become the Christian woman God intends for the her to be. To have the abundant life that John 10 v 10 tells us we can have, to have the fruits of the Holy Spirit working in our life. A life of Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Kindness, Goodness, Mercy and Self Control. These only come from a personal relationship with Jesus, learning WHO HE is and WHO YOU are in HIM. This is what He wants for all of us, not just those who find themselves in
unpleasant situations. So seek Him with your whole heart and He will be found. He stand at the door of your heart, you must open the door and let Him in.
Until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus"