Last week my Bible study was based on the importance of Praise and Worship. We can not rely on our feelings, our flesh will not and does not want to praise God. We often tend to think, "I will praise God when the trouble passed, when the problem is over, when I feel better" ! These are the most important times to be in an attitude of Praise and Worship, to know and believe our God is BIGGER than any and ALL our problems. We must continue to Praise and Worship no matter how we feel, I have found at the time I am the sickest, have the biggest problem, I always feel better after a time of thanking God for His goodness, praising Him for His mercy and worshiping Jesus for the sacrifice He made so that I might have life eternal and a better life here and now. God is still God no matter how we may feel ! Circumstances DO NOT change God's character, Gods grace is sufficient. We must learn we can not let our fleshly nature rob us of Gods Love, Joy, and Peace ! I often hear I do not feel His presence with me. I have found that during these 'Dry' seasons, if I will continue to Praise and Worship Him, this is often a time of testing and growth, becoming more mature in Him. He does not leave me, but maybe takes a step back to allow me to grow into the full potential He has for me at that particular time in my walk with Him, a deeper walk, a stronger relationship. Praise and Worship is so much more than going to church on Sunday, singing a few songs, perhaps raising your hands or clapping to the music, if this is your style of Praising Him. Praise and Worship should be a lifestyle for you, no different than prayer or reading your Bible. It should be an everyday part of your life. The Psalms 150 v6, "Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord !" I ask are you breathing ??
You may be saying, "I have a hard time Praising and Worshiping, focus on WHO He is and ALL He has done for you. God gave His Son, that our sins might be washed away. Jesus gave up everything that we might have everything !! That alone, if He never did another thing for you or I, that is more than enough reason to Praise and Worship Him. God is real no matter how you or I feel, He is there, Heb 13 v 5 in the Message Bible, God assures us, " I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you." I urge you this very day , IF Praise and Worship are not a part of your daily life, begin today for, This IS the Day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it !!
My Pastor preached on Praise and Worship this past Sunday, God always confirms His Word.
I want to leave you with a couple of high point of his sermon.
# 1 Do not allow your Praise and Worship to be governed by your emotions !
# 2 To delay your Praise, may delay your answer !
# 3 Be consistent in your Praise and Worship, let it become a lifestyle !
# 4 Your Praise releases Power in the Spirit realm !
# 5 The enemy can not stop your problem from moving,
unless he hinders your Praise and !
Until next time, "Keep your Eyes on Jesus !"
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