At times life seems to be spinning out of control, passing by soooo fast. Returned from vacation back into the groove. 23 days later my daughter I were on our way back to Ohio for my brother-in laws Memorial Service. Thank God he made a profession of faith last year and was ready Spiritually to meet God. This next week we celebrate the day that has been set aside for Thanksgiving. The pilgrims were thankful for a safe voyage to an unknown land. They were thankful for provision and shelter, it was a far cry from what we expect as provision and shelter today. There were no food stamps or welfare programs to assist those in need. They were entirely dependent on their own initiative to survive in the harshest of conditions. Today we have so many who think they are deprived of daily living essentials, they think that government should supply what they have need of. They have taken God out of the equation and tried to put Government in His place. The Government fails in the attempt to , "make life better" , only to have made generations of families look to, "Uncle Sam", not God. Those in power have and continue to tell us we are not smart enough to think for ourselves, so they continue to make ridiculous rules and laws to control the population. We are seeing America a prosperous, wealthy nation be reduced to a shadow of what it once was. We need to put God back into our everyday life in America. To call on Him daily and not just when we have a crisis and feel helpless.
I ask you today are you guilty of putting God on the sideline of your life ? Does He play a prominent role in your plans for each and everyday ? If you are suddenly called out of your physical body, where will your spirit go ? Have you made arrangements as my brother-in-law did, or are you lost without a Savior ? You may be saying, I have plenty of time, I will do that
next week, next year ! We are not guaranteed tomorrow ! Jim Greenwood went to bed on Friday night, he did not wake up to this life on Saturday morning. Have you made your arrangements for eternity ? I am VERY THANKFUL that on July 25,1971 I met Jesus at an altar, he took me in just as I was. That day I began a process that continues today, a race that I intend to finish, pressing into ALL He has done for me, a better life here and now in this life and an eternity with Him. Today and every day I thank God HE gave All he had that I might have LIFE in Him !! Seek Him, Ask Him, Believe Him, You too can have ALL He has for yourself !!
Lord, I thank you for the gift of eternal life I have received by faith, not from anything I have done, but from what Jesus did on the cross.
Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"