God's Book of Instructions for CHANGE !!!
We have heard a lot about change these past months from the political arena, we were promised "Change" for our country. Many were pulled in by false promises, so today we have the "change" that was promised us. The question now is why are there so many unhappy people with this "change" ? They now see what was promised is coming about, but it is for the most part not what they perceived it to be, a "change" for the good of our country. We are seeing an attempt to tear down the very foundation and principles that America was built on.
Websters gives the definition of change as: to put in place an exchange -- substitute -- to cause to become different. My questions for you today are ? Do you really want "change" in your life ?
What kind of "change" are you seeking ? How much are you willing to give up to "change" ?
These are hard questions with no easy answers. It takes work for "change" to come about in your life, whether it be in the natural or the spiritual. In the natural many of us want or in my case need to lose weight. I am in the process of telling my body, it needs exercise and healthy food. I can say this all day while I sit at the computer or read a book eating chocolate and chips.
This behavior will not help me lose weight, so I am disciplining myself to walk 2 or 3 times a week, daily stretching exercising, eating more veggies, fruits and whole grains. Less snacks and sugary foods. I will not lose 20 lbs. overnight, BUT if I will be consistent I will begin to lose body fat and tone my body. This will reward me with lower blood pressure, knees and back that will no longer be in pain. I will feel better, look better, and have a good reason to buy new clothes.
Will this been easy ? NO Will I let down and need to get back on track ? YES I have a goal and
the only way to meet this goal is to be firm with MYSELF, I must take control of my own thoughts and actions, IF I do not meet the goal it will be my error and no one else's.
Let's look at "change" in our spirit man, another area we are sadly falling short, the BIG difference is the natural only affects us here and now, the spirit affects us for an eternity. It takes discipline to read and study the Word, to stay in an attitude of prayer, not say hurtful and mean things when we are offended or mistreated. It has taken me years to move past the hurts of my childhood and the mistakes I made as an adult. My walk with the Lord has been a gradual steady "change" from the inside. A "change" in the way I think. what I do, and what I say. I had to "change" where I went and who I associated with. Had to realize I could not "change" the past, BUT I could "change" my future ! Many of you reading this know I counsel abused women, I have had the privilege for the past 9 years of sowing the Seed of the Word of God into the lives of countless women. Some have grabbed onto that Word and I have seen "change". Others have not seen the need for "change" or it was more work than they were willing to give. There are times I become discouraged when one of my ladies drops out, goes back, or sees no need for the
Word. I have learned I am only the Sower of the Word, I can water and fertilize it as they allow me to do, but they must keep the Word in their heart, not let trials of life, situations and circumstances steal the Word from them. They must guard it carefully, it can only be taken if they let it go. When I got out of the drivers seat and allowed God to take me where He wanted me to go, my "change" began to not only effect me but others in my life. It moves from the inside out to all we come in contact with. This "change" does not mean you will never face another trial or test, for it is through those times we can grow our faith and have a word of testimony. This "change" only takes place when you have asked Jesus to forgive you of your sin and your spirit is reborn, the Holy Spirit comes in to dwell in your heart and spirit. Your mind is not reborn, this is where the battle takes place, where the thoughts ideas and suggestions come in to keep you from the "change" that God has for you. You have only to Repent,Believe,Receive.You will be on your way to a life of joy, love, and peace that only relationship with Jesus can give. Are willing to make changes, God is will help you bring about those areas that
need "change".
Till Next Time, Keep Your Eyes on Jesus !!