The pies are baked and the cake is frosted, all ingredients for Granny Beans are on the counter.
We have Granny Beans instead of the standard green bean casserole. You ask,"WHAT are Granny Beans ?" Just plain ole Campbell's Pork and Beans fixed with bacon, onion, mustard, catsup, and brown sugar. The secret is baking them in a cast iron pot, do not know why,but it makes all the difference in the taste. I have been making them for 23 years, most every time we have a family get together. The grand kids think we can not have a holiday meal without Granny Beans. As I was cooking and baking today I thought back to many years ago, 35 to be exact when there was little food in the pantry and less money. Poor choices in a mate left me with 2 children and no education 1200 miles from home, this of course was not my first poor choice in life. This one just opened my eyes to what a mess my life was. I thank God I did not lose hope or faith and with His guidance I learned how to begin to make better choices. It has been a long hard road to recovering from the past life to the life God has called me to at this time in my life. My biggest regret is my children, they have paid a high price for my mistakes. Tomorrow when we join hands in a circle to ask God's blessing on the food I will not see my birth children there, they are living far away from where I am, but I thank God for the extended family He has given me. So I am very thankful for a Saviour who never gave upon me and loved me in spite of all me mistakes. I am thankful for a wonderful church, Pastors who not only preach the Word, but live it by example. A Church family that loves and cares for each other, always ready with a prayer,
kind uplifting word, or what ever I might have need of. My prayer is for healing for my children from the emotional wounds from the past. That the scars will heal over when they reach out for the love and peace that only comes from a relationship with the Saviour. You may have scars and wounds from your past, or from your life here and now , Jesus is but a call away, at the mention of his name He is ready to forgive you, love you, and give you a life of peace, love, and joy that only He can give. You may have tried on your own for many years, WHAT do you have to lose ? Fear, Anger, Unforgiveness, Worry exchange them for Peace, Love, Joy, !! What a DEAL !! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So let tomorrow be the DAY of new beginnings. Till next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has ALL The Answers !!"