Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hello From Not So Sunny California

I have come to Ca. to visit my youngest son, I have not seen him for 2 1/2 yrs. The weather has not been as warm as I had hoped for, but it is not raining. In 1998 he was living in NY, I went the first week of May, which is usually a great time to visit.It rained the whole week, the sun came out on our way to the airport. Cool and windy is fine. Today we went to Balboa Park, it is the largest city park in America. The roses are in full bloom, also many of the cactus. I did not know there were so many different kinds of cactus. I have taken 100 pictures since I left home last Friday morning. I took my time and stopped along the way to see some of the historical and natural sights.This is my first visit to far West Texas, Southern New Mexico and Arizona. At my age this will most likely be the only time I attempt to drive it, especially by myself. We have tickets to see a Tennesse William's play tomorrow night, of course at least a half day at the beach. We rode the bus and the trolley around town today, their public transport seems to be very good and used by many. This is a very diverse city of many cultures and lots of history. The time change has me a little off, I have been waking at 4 AM, by the time I get adjusted I will be on my way back, I will lose the 2 hrs. I gained on the way out. This is the longest trip I have taken, but also the easiest, very little traffic, even around the cities. One construction delay in Phoenix and no rain. All the rain has been in Texas while I am gone. I want to thank God and my husband for making it possible for me to make this trip. Spending 2 weeks in Motel rooms and eating out is expensive. I have been saving for 6 months, I will return with only gas to pay for. God is a good God, if I do my part and He always comes through for me. Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has All The Answers !!"

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sorrow Is For The Night, But Joy Comes In The Morning

This is one of those times when I must go by faith. My Granddaughter who was 12 weeks pregnant went for her checkup and there was no heartbeat. My heart aches for her, only those of us who have lost a baby can know how she feels. Even knowing of this for a short time will cause her heartache for losing what should have brought much joy. It is hard not to ask why ? Being a Faith/Word minister this is one of those times I must put actions to my words. Jesus said many times, only those who believe. So for now there is sorrow in my heart for what was to be will not be, another time, another season, this was not to be at this time and season. A large part of our walk with God is how we react in times of crisis, we are all living life and at times it throws us a curve ball or a strike, I maygo down, but I am not out. God always has our best interest on his heart and mind, I need only to believe. You may be reading this and have your own wild pitch to overcome, remember you may be down, but you are not out. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and look to Jesus. My church is having a our annual Women's Conference, what a joy for me to look down the row tonight and see women who were once victims and now are survivors praising and worshipping , The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is times like tonight that makes the time, money, study, and counsel sessions worth it all. God is truly awesome, He takes the broken and shattered pieces of our lives and with the glue of the Holy Spirit puts them together for His Honor and His Glory. I am expecting great testimonies from these changed lives and not until we all meet on the other side will I know how many lives have been touched and changed through my obedience to the call He has placed on my life. What about you, are you answering the call on your life ? Are you telling others how He has changed your life ? If you do not know this Jesus up close and personal, He is but a breathe away. He said Seek, Ask, Receive !! Until next time,'Keep Your Eyes on Jesus, He REALLY does have ALL the answers !!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are You Allowing Fear to Rule ?

It has been too long since I have posted due to several factors, warm weather means more time spent outdoors as I have a large yard and too many flower beds. What seemed like a good idea 11 years ago when we moved here now looks like toooo much work. On to more important things, I want to share with you something that the Holy Spirit has been showing me these past few months. Too many people,Christians as well as the worldly are allowing fear to rule in their lives. Everywhere we turn we are bombarded by doom and gloom. Starting with the media all the way to the White House. I want to share a few things that fear does to us, I am writing to Born Again, Blood Washed Believers.
  1. Fear Distorts Reality: It causes us to lose sight of what is real in our lives, The Word of God
  2. Fear Victimizes : It causes us to feel sorry for ourselves, have pity parties
  3. Fear Puts Stress On The Body: Causes high blood pressure, headaches, body aches
  4. Fear Alienates the Truth of the Word: We begin to question God ?
  5. Fear Mobilizes, Freezes and Cripples: Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually and Mentally
  6. Fear Replaces Faith: Fear and Faith can not and will not operate in the same place
  7. Fear Tells Us We are Failures: We will not see success in our life when ruled by fear
  8. Fear Fills The Heart With Dispare: We lose hope that life will ever be peaceful
  9. Fear Destroys From The Inside Out: Fear steals the joy and blessings of God
  10. Fear Brings Disappointment: We see everything from a negative instead of positive

I pray as you read this you will see if you have allowed fear to come in and steal your joy and peace in the Lord. We are going to face hard times, Jesus said we would, BUT we must place our trust in The Living God who has a future and a hope for each of us, just as he did for Jeremiah. The government does not have our best interests at heart, they will not and can not take care of us. Our only hope of Survival in the coming days is to fall on our knees and pray that Jesus will intercede on our behalf, He looks to the heart and only asked we love Him and are obedient to the guidelines He left us for an Abundant Life in Him. I thank Him daily He is a God of Grace and Mercy and will never leave me. If you are reading this and do not know this man Jesus I speak of, He is but a breath away, waiting on you to call out and repent. Seek, Ask, Receive Today !Until next time,"KEEP YOU EYES ON JESUS !!"