For the first time in years I am not stressed from thinking and worrying about Christmas.
I was determined this year to "keep it simple" and remember what Christmas is really all about.
So in November I sat down and made my list of those who would receive gifts. Then I proceeded
to shop online for stores who would still be around after Christmas, then I purchased gift cards or wrote checks to everyone on my list. These were mailed to out of state recipients last week.The remainder I will see Christmas day when the family celebrates, and not at my house.
So I do not have to get ready and then clean up afterwards. I can bake a cake and 2 pies and go to someone else's house and eat a big dinner that someone else cooks !! Is this not the greatest gift a Mom and Grandma could ask for ?? Cookies and candy all made, parties all taken care of, only sent a few cards to relatives and closest friends. E-mailed some last week , here I sit this week no rushing and fussing over what still needs to be done and what will not get done. Today I almost felt guilty as I enjoyed reading and doing a computer game. I have learned that I do not have to make an ungodly amount of baked items for every aquaintance, everyone does not need a card from me, most will probably not even realize I did not send them one. I do not have to shop and shop for the perfect gift. Let them take their gift card to their favorite store and get something they really want and will fit and not have to be returned in the after Christmas crowd.Why has it taken me so long to figure this all out ?? Romans 12 v 2 comes to mind, "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind", I have let go of what the world thinks Christmas is about and am attempting to bring some joy and peace into my life in the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thank you Lord for helping me to succeed this year, I pray I will continue to do so for years to come. Thank you for helping me to see how worldly my Christmas had become, that I often forgot the true gift that was already given . I have only to receive, help each of us to put aside the rush and stress of this time of the year and remember what the day set aside as Christmas is really all about. You sent your Son to come to Earth in human form, He was born to die, to save the World as only He could do.
Let each of us put THE CHRIST back in CHRISTMAS !!
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