I serve an awesome God!! He has given me new life,changed me on the inside and filled me with His Love,Joy and Peace. It is my goal to Share Jesus with everyone who crosses my path. I pray that the message of His Love, Joy,and Peace will help you on your journey to a Relationship with The Savior,Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Little Christmas Humor
This poem has been a prized possession of my family for many years.
I am sure we are not the only family that fits this poem and if we are it will give
you a good laugh, which we all need.
Heaven help me, I am turning into my mom !!
It's something you pray will never happen to you. For as long as I can remember, she has
stood at an elbow while a package is being unwrapped, when the contents are held up,
the box never touched the floor. Mom has it squirreled away in a closet somewhere. If you
are giving someone a hard to wrap chain saw, she has the box for it. If you have an oversized
velvet Elvis painting, she can put it under wraps for you. Christmas, however is her finest hour. We learned early that Christmas packages were never what they appeared to be. A rectal thermometer box always gave a recipient pause until it revealed a fountain pen inside.
A small jewelry box with the promise of a drop-dead diamond held a fishing fly.
Mom tolerates Christmas, but what really brings a smile to her lips is the class of boxes that are
distributed. We added a new relative to the family one year who put a Tiffany box under the tree. Mom could barely contain herself. We were to see that Tiffany box for the next 10 years.
Once it held a bird feeder, another time a smoke alarm and and last year, a beach towel.
I was reluctant to admit I was turning into a "box junkie" when my daughter pointed it out to me at her birthday celebration last June. I found myself in a tug-of-war with my Mom over a Nordstrom box. She said it was hers originally, I said she had never stepped foot in a Nordstrom store in her life, and it was mine. She said she had traded me 2 Sears boxes for it and I had just forgotten about it. My daughter intervened at that moment and asked if we would mind postponing the argument until she opened she opened the contents of the box.
She said that I needed help, but believe me when I tell you that I am nowhere the fanatic about saving boxes as my Mom is. Her closets and storage spaces hold nothing but boxes inside of boxes, I'm not THAT far gone. I was ironing the other afternoon when Mom dropped by, "What are you doing?" , she asked."I'm ironing old tissue paper and ribbons. See ? They are like new."
She looked at me a long time and said,"YOU NEED HELP !!!"
Monday, December 22, 2008
From My House To Yours -- Merry Christmas

For the first time in years I am not stressed from thinking and worrying about Christmas.
I was determined this year to "keep it simple" and remember what Christmas is really all about.
So in November I sat down and made my list of those who would receive gifts. Then I proceeded
to shop online for stores who would still be around after Christmas, then I purchased gift cards or wrote checks to everyone on my list. These were mailed to out of state recipients last week.The remainder I will see Christmas day when the family celebrates, and not at my house.
So I do not have to get ready and then clean up afterwards. I can bake a cake and 2 pies and go to someone else's house and eat a big dinner that someone else cooks !! Is this not the greatest gift a Mom and Grandma could ask for ?? Cookies and candy all made, parties all taken care of, only sent a few cards to relatives and closest friends. E-mailed some last week , here I sit this week no rushing and fussing over what still needs to be done and what will not get done. Today I almost felt guilty as I enjoyed reading and doing a computer game. I have learned that I do not have to make an ungodly amount of baked items for every aquaintance, everyone does not need a card from me, most will probably not even realize I did not send them one. I do not have to shop and shop for the perfect gift. Let them take their gift card to their favorite store and get something they really want and will fit and not have to be returned in the after Christmas crowd.Why has it taken me so long to figure this all out ?? Romans 12 v 2 comes to mind, "Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind", I have let go of what the world thinks Christmas is about and am attempting to bring some joy and peace into my life in the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thank you Lord for helping me to succeed this year, I pray I will continue to do so for years to come. Thank you for helping me to see how worldly my Christmas had become, that I often forgot the true gift that was already given . I have only to receive, help each of us to put aside the rush and stress of this time of the year and remember what the day set aside as Christmas is really all about. You sent your Son to come to Earth in human form, He was born to die, to save the World as only He could do.
Let each of us put THE CHRIST back in CHRISTMAS !!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas Card
Want to share an e-card I received from a very good friend. It is so weird how everyone want the gifts and the day off, BUT they do not want to recognize WHY we celebrate the day.
I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone
a Merry Christmas this year ...
My way of saying that I am celebrating
the birth of Jesus Christ.
So I am asking my email buddies,
if you agree with me, to please do the same.
And if you'll pass this on to your email buddies, and so on...
maybe we can prevent one more
American tradition from being lost in the sea of
"Political Correctness".
So let's encourage everyone we know to say, "MERRY CHRISTMAS",
especially to those who say, "Happy Holidays".
We as Christians must help to "KEEP THE CHRIST in CHRISTMAS"
My Grandson informed me that posting in all capital letters was like yelling
and I should not post in all caps soI will only YELL
at the words that I want to place emphasis on.
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season !!!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Another Opportunity To Share Jesus

I had the priviledge to minister at a local Baptist Church this weekend, an awesome priviledge as this particular church frowns on Women in ministry, but God can open doors that are usually closed. I prayed for several days for direction as to what to speak on. I began be telling how the local Domestic Violence Program works, how we are helping change lives through using Bible principles. Then I told some of my own testimony how Christ has changed me on the inside.
The turn around process my life has taken over many years, allowing Jesus to not only be my Saviour, but my Lord. How He took the hurts and pains of my childhood, the mistakes I made as an adult and used them to enable me to minister the TRUTH to women who were and are where I once was. I talked of how God has a call on our lives and a ministry for each of us. I challenged them to ask God what He had for them to do to further the Kingdom. That is all we will have at the end of this life, what we have done to add souls to the Kingdom. So I also want to challenge those of you who are reading this, have you answered the call ?? Have you said, "Here I am Lord , USE ME !! "
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The TRUTH Sets Us FREE !!
I saw this on another blog and wanted to share it with you. There is SO much TRUTH in this !!
The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success. God determines who walks into your life....it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need."Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going !!!
Till next time KEEP your eyes on Jesus !!
Monday, December 8, 2008
It Is That Time of Year ??
Christmas is almost here, I have finished decorating, sent the baked goodies to me Grandson at Fort Polk,La., to my son in San Diego, and my Mom in Ohio. I was very wise this year, if I must brag on myself, I have no gifts to wrap, no bags to stuff. I got online and ordered gift cards for most everyone on my list and am sending checks to the rest. Last year I spent hours wrapping presents. I guess my age is showing, since the g-kids have gotten older, Christmas has lost some of its fun of shopping. I do not like getting caught up in all the hype of the commercial side of Christmas. If we as Christians are not careful we will be right in the mix with the rest of the world, forgetting what we are really celebrating. Everyone seems to want the gifts and the day off from work, but they do not want to recognize the birth of Jesus as the reason this day is set aside. How can they take the "Christ" out of Christmas ?? Without His birth the day has NO meaning. Like Joshua, as for those in my house we choose to recognize Christmas as a day to thank God for the Greatest Gift ever given to man. The birth of a baby in a lowly stable in Bethlehem that fulfilled a prophecy foretold by the Prophet Isaiah. Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, whose birth, death and resurrection would give mankind eternal life. I have been asked WHAT IF the Bible is not true and there is no Hell or Heaven ?? My answer is, I win either way,
my life after Jesus has been one of peace when the world is going crazy, love for those who are unlovable and a joy that surpasses all understanding. If the Bible is true, I not only have lived a better life now, but I escape Hell and will live in eternity with Jesus and all those whose lives were changed by my witness to His Saving Power. If they are wrong and do not except Jesus they most likely have lived life on earth always seeking for that "Something", will miss Heaven and go to that place of torment, Hell. Si I will keep telling of His Power, His Grace, and His Mercy that is Forever and Forever, How about you ? Do you know Him as Savior, and if you do is He Lord of your life. Don't get caught up in all the trappings of the worldly Christmas, seek out the real reason we celebrate Christmas !! Until next time, KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS !!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sowing the Word -- Reaping a Harvest
Thanksgiving has come and gone, for the first time in several years I did not do the turkey and I
loved going to someone elses home for dinner. The only down side is no leftovers, which I enjoy.
Want to share an awesome testimony with you. Occasionally I write articles for the local papers
on the Domestic Violence Program in my County. About 15 months ago a lady called me after reading one of the articles and said she wanted to talk to me as she was thinking about divorce. I talked with her several times, met with her and her husband and suggested they seek some Bible Based Counsel. They took my advice and he began counsel with a minister and she continued to see me and come to Support Group meeting. They became active in church and this past Sunday they renewed their vows in church and I had the priviledge of standing with them as they renewed their committment to each other before God and their church family. It is sad that this is not the usual ending to my counsel, as most of the time one or both are not willing to work out their differences. I praise God that another family has been saved from a broken home.
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