a luncheon to go to, a letter to the Editor, study for Support Group meeting, plus my chores at home. My husband is able to come home every night now, after 20 years driving in and out of Texas and being gone most of the time. I always have said that is what enabled us to have a good
marriage, two people who came together after a lifetime of hurt from and to others. I THANK GOD for a GOOD man who ia a hard worker and supports me in my ministry, not only financially but also emotionally.
As we enter this week of the day set aside by our forefathers to celebrate the time of harvest
I believe we have lost the true meaning of this holiday. To truly thank God our Father for his
many blessings. I have thought of a few things for which I am truly thankful.
Norma's Top Ten of Thanksgiving Blessings For 2008
1. I Thank God for a relationship with Jesus, how this has totally changed my life.
2. My husband, Bobby, as I said in the preceding paragraph.
3. My children, who thank God at the present time are all healthy and self supporting.
4. My Grandchildren who are growing up way too fast for this Grandma.
5. To live in America where I am FREE to worship JESUS.
6. A church family of loving people serving the Lord, who are but a phone call away, if needed.
7. Pastors who not only preach the WORD, but live by example of what they minister.
8. The priviledge God has given me to lead abused women from the Victim mentality to that of
a Survivor living a full life for Him.
9. To have both parents alive and in fair health is a blessing at my age.
10. Thank God we are out of debt, He showed me several years ago, there would be lean years
ahead, we listened and today we are debt free.
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving ?? Even if you are not in the place spiritually, mentality,and physically you desire to be, you need only
SEEK, ASK, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE, He has an abundance of ALL you need !!
May you be truly Thankful for what you have and always be moving higher in Him.
Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus" !!
Yes.I agree. We often forget the true meaning of Thanksgiving.It should be a time to reflect on the things God has done in our lives over the past year.I really enjoyed your blog.
Oh.By the way.This is Denice.
That really is a good idea, to list all the things we are thankful for. Sorry I haven't been over here in a while. I'll visit more often!!!
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