Last week was unusual for me, no counsel sessions and no meetings.
When the week began I said , Lord use me ! What do you have for me to do this week ?
The Lord did not take long to answer, Monday morning my Avon lady brought my order, as we were talking, she began to tell me of her fear of going back to school after being out for 10 years. The Holy Spirit immediately urged me to pray for her. I did and God showed up in my living room, she thanked me several times and left after I gave her a few Scriptures to help her overcome her fear. I had lunch that afternoon with a former client. To send her off to a new ministry as a youth Pastor in a small church near Palestine,Tx. Over lunch she began to ask questions about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Moving from a Baptist Church where Tongues and Miracles are thought to have been "For Then and Not Now " moving to a Full Gospel Spirit Filled Church that believes this wonderful gift is for NOW and we should operate in it. I was able to answer her questions and assure her Tongues are AN evidence and that there are other evidences that also can show you are Spirit Filled. I know may who are "Tongue Talkers" and it is the only sign that follows them. They have no Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Kindness, Self Control, Mercy for others and most likely never led anyone to Jesus. I believe these are essential for us to be the Ministers of the Word that Jesus desires us to be, these are all qualities He possessed and we are to be "Christ Like", which is what "Christian" means. I also expressed to her how my prayer language helps me to express myself when I seem to come up against a wall. Tongues are not necessary, but receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit into your life I believe is very necessary to live AN overcoming life here and now. Moving on to Wednesday, had an appointment in Buffalo, had an opportunity to pray for and with two on the people in the office. Once again He showed up, one lady said,"You pray so good", I was quick to tell her it is the Jesus in me.Thursday a client called and needed prayer for a health problem and an emotional upheaval in her life. I prayed with her and gave her a few words of encouragement, before she hung up she said,"I knew you would help me". Friday my daughter Lori called, her mother-in-law had a stroke and was unresponsive, I prayed, put her on the prayer chain and she is now as of this posting 5 days later in rehab. I serve an Awesome God, He has an answer for all of our trials and troubles. Reminds me of one of Becky Fenders songs, You won't always feel this way ! You won't always feel the pain ! God is faithful and true ! Just Praise your way through !
When we learn to Praise our way through we will live a life that is full of God's Peace and Joy,
no matter what is going on around us ! We have an assurance that, God is on Our Side.
He makes a River of Life in a Desert of Despair ! Are You a Believer ?? If so are you allowing God to use you ?? If You do not know this man Jesus personally, you have only to Call on Him, ask Him to Forgive Your Sin, Believe and Receive. All we receive from Him comes by Faith.
Until next time, "KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS" !!