Monday, December 7, 2009

Staying Power

I am borrowing this title from my Pastor from his message on Sunday.He spoke on how we can not give up and give in when storms and trials arise in our life. He used Micah 7v8, when I fall I will arise,when I sit in darkness the Lord will be my light. God watches over the one with a heart to win and He rewards the diligent seeker. I came home and began to meditate on his words. I began to think back over my life to the times when I had no staying power and allowed the problems and trials to overtake me. It took me many years to realize that there was a way to overcome any and all temptation that came my way. I Cor. 10v13, God is faithful and always makes a way for me to withstand and become an over comer. As the years have come and gone I have learned that I must Thank Him, Praise Him and Trust Him NO MATTER what I see in the natural, I must look with my Spiritual eyes, listen with my Spiritual ears to where the Holy Spirit is leading me. When there seems no way out if I will look to Jesus, He will make a way, in the desert there will be a River of Living water. When I have a dry place he will water my spirit with His peace, which will restore my joy, in Him there is strength to overcome. In myself there is nothing but pain from making wrong choices which brings death to my Spirit and those around me see no peace and joy in my life. So as I meditated on Pastor's words I realized that today I do have staying power, I do trust Him when my life is in turmoil, I give Him thanks in the good times and the bad times, not for them but knowing that I can grow stronger in Him as I go through. I believe, "This is the Word of our testimony." When others see us walking out the problems of this life, in health, in finances, our relationships with those we love and those who are hard to love. When we do not falter and stumble, we continue our walk with Him and have staying power. If we do fall he holds out a hand and we can arise and go on. I urge you today to check out your walk, DO you have staying power ? When you fall DO you arise and go on ? Pastor left me with one last thought, I want to share it with you, "The difference in success and failure is determined by your choices, your wrong choices in the do not have to continue to effect your future." This is a new day in the Lord, choose to follow Him, allow Jesus to get involved in your life ! You will never regret following Him !! Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !"