Tomorrow is the Sunday set aside to honor our Fathers.There was a time in my life when Fathers Day did not hold much meaning for me. As a young adult I was able to see my Dad as he really was, an alcoholic who was able to hold a job and not much else. He was abusive to my Mom and became loud and mean when he drank. He never mistreated me physically, but his behavior took a toll on my emotions and left me unable to make good choices for my life. Twenty three years ago my Dad met a man named Jesus. He surrendered his life to Him and today I am very proud of my Dad. He is a soft spoken mild mannered man who loves the Lord with all his heart. The past couple of years have brought big changes in his life, due to a fall he was no longer able to live alone, this was very hard for him to except. He now lives in an assisted living home with thirteen other men and women who also have had to give up their homes. It is hard for me to imagine how difficult this must be for him, one day I too will most likely face a similar situation. I can not be with my Dad this year, miles may separate us, but in Spirit we are together. I am so very thankful that my Dad allowed God to get involved in his life. He is a changed man from the inside out. God has taken away the hurt and pain from my childhood. No I have not forgotten, but I choose not to remember. I am grateful for these last twenty plus years to make good memories with my Dad. Without Jesus in both our lives this would not have been possible. You may have memories of your past that haunt you and keep you from loving your Dad as you would like, Jesus is able to take your broken heart and mend it. You have only to ask. Till next time, "Keep your Eyes On Jesus !"
I serve an awesome God!! He has given me new life,changed me on the inside and filled me with His Love,Joy and Peace. It is my goal to Share Jesus with everyone who crosses my path. I pray that the message of His Love, Joy,and Peace will help you on your journey to a Relationship with The Savior,Jesus Christ.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Another Week, How Time Goes By !!

I have been setting up a Facebook site and have been spending toooo much time on the computer. I have found several people who I had lost contact with, so it has not all been frivolous. It does take a lot of time as I have only dialup, is it wrong to pray for high speed Internet ?? He did say he was concerned about everything that pertained to us, so I will continue to pray for the phone lines to be updated in my area. I have had several opportunities to minister in this past week was called as a crisis counselor to a local fire, where 2 girls had accidentally burned down the house they were house sitting for. Thank God they were ok, but I did feel very sad for the family who were called back from vacation to find a smoldering mass that only hours before had been their home. I have 3 clients who are in a somewhat crisis mode right now and I have been in contact more often than usual. I pray constantly for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct these women onto a path that is where God would have them go. The Road to Recovery is often long, rocky and time consuming. It is very hard to not give up hope of ever being a whole complete person in mind, body, and spirit. I encourage them to be faithful and to never stop seeking Who He is and the part He wants to play in their life. I know from my own personal experience Hi is always but a call away, His line is never busy and He never puts me on hold or says call back at a more convenient time. So I ask you uphold me in prayer and the precious women God brings into my life. I am blessed and priviledged He called me and I answered, "Lord here I am, use me." How about you, what is He calling yout to and what is your answer ?? Until next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus, He Has ALL The Answers"
Monday, June 8, 2009
I Will Speak The Word !!
Has been a busy past few days, as always in the summer time I need a half day to mow yard.
It has become somewhat of a dreaded job for me, I need to be thankful for a riding lawn mower.
The second Support Group has also put another time crunch in my life, I now need to study for a group each Thursday, Group 1 is working on the book,"Boundaries", by Cloud and Townsend.
My prayer is that the ladies have learned as much from it as I have. I see where I have made some poor boundaries and then there are those boundaries that were good and the right way to go. Group 2 are for the most part new Christians and are feeling their way on the road to recovery. The first months are always hard when you leave an abusive relationship. You are foundering around trying to find out who you are and what do you really want from life ?
this group is learning how to pray and apply the Word to their life. to speak positive over their
situation, not denying the problems, but denying their right to hinder them in their walk with the Lord. It has taken me many years to realize that what I speak over myself and my family
will bring LIFE or DEATH. Prov 18v21 says there is life and death in the power of the tongue.
This past Sunday my Pastor spoke on, Seed-Word Form, that is exactly what the Word of God is like, a seed when planted and cared for will bring forth a harvest. There are so many Scriptures in Proverbs that talk about our tongue,mouth and what we say. a few are Prov 13v3,
Prov 21v3 ,Prov 23v9 to name a few. Jesus also talked about what we should say, He spoke to
the wind , a storm, and cursed a tree. All of these He used words out of His mouth and then saw what He spoke. God the Father spoke the world into being and then saw what he spoke, we are made in God's spiritual image, to me this means when I speak in line with the Word I too can see what I speak. So I have learned over the years to put a watch over my mouth, let the Word of God come forth in a positive light and stand back and see the power of God manifest itself in my life. I pray this Word has opened your eyes to how important your words are.
Till next time, "Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !!"
Monday, June 1, 2009
And Life Goes On
This weekend was very busy, went to a Women's Conference on Saturday, these are always good, an opportunity to hear someone else tell what God has been speaking to them. A time of fellowship and praising God with like minded women of all ages. This one was extra special because the men of the church did the cooking and the serving. The desert was fantastic !!
The theme of the meeting was "Pushing Through". The speaker was Kim Brashier from Lovelady,Tx. She spoke about the "Crowds In Our Minds", to rid ourselves of what if ? should have ? could have ? To set aside our worries and fears, to "Push Through" the falsehoods of the natural into the Spirit realm where there is freedom and liberty. This message was confirmation of what God has been speaking to me for the last couple of months. To not allow the problems and fears of each day to keep us from stepping into what God has for us. She used the woman with the issue of blood as an example of a desperate woman, who had to "Push Through" the
law of the unclean and the crowd that day, she had to leave her comfort zone to reach out for the healing power that Jesus had to offer. We as women today are also desperate for a healing in our body,mind, and spirit, to rid ourselves of the "Crowds" of thoughts, ideas, and suggestions that attack us on every side. Like the woman with the issue of blood we must "Push Through" to
victory. Then Sunday I spent most of the day at church, morning service, a baby shower, and helping serve dinner after a funeral for one of our members. When I returned home in the evening I thought how life does go on, we said goodbye to one of our own and then preparing for the new baby who will become a part of our church. The cycle from birth to death is never ending, a sadness of the loved one who will be missed and the joy of looking forward to the new birth. Lets keep "Pushing Through To Victory", until next time,"Keep Your Eyes On Jesus !".
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