I have a daily devotional intitled,"Meditations For Women Who Do Too Much".
I am sure that will fit many of you who like me tend to think, I can do it all, just ask me !!
Being raised the oldest 0f five, in a home with an alcololic Dad and a controling Mom, I always
was the one who wanted to fix everything. Even in my life now, which I like to refer as to
"After Jesus" I continue to catch myself trying to fix it for my family. When you have an immediate family as large as mine that can become a full time job.
Back to today's devotion, I tend to get off track, blame it on age !!
Creativity : Mary Daly describes it as,"The creative potential in human beingsthat is the image of God". Pondering on this I thought how true that is, especially of women as we create the atmosphere in our homes. We have all heard the saying,"If Mama ain't happy, nobody is happy."
The devotion says if we do not express our creativity, we are blocking the potential of the flowing energy of image God. For most women who do too much creativity has a low place on our list of things TO DO. We do not take time, we will do it later and later. Then there are those of us who do not feel we are creative. We look at other women as being so, but not ourselves. Only special women have real creativity and we are afraid we may not be one of those women.I have thought for too many years, if I can not do something and it be outstanding, it is better not to do anything at all. This is what the enemy want me to think and has been successful at it for years. I have found I am creative, I can be a leader, I can do what God calls me to do, not in myself, but in Him. He has given me the boldness to speak out for Him and one of these creative ideas is this blog. It will not be as fancy as some, but it will carry a message that will help you become the person God intended you to be.
When I think of my creative potential as the "image of God", I am in awe of how magnificent He is. Till next time "Keep Your Eyes on Jesus". He has all the answers !!